해상선박의 관점에서 본 유람선 실내설계의 특이성에 관한연구

A Study on the Peculiarity of Cruise Interir Design in Viewpoint of Ship

  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


This study classifies distinctive peculiarities of cruise interior design which is different from that of structures on the land through the theoretical study on the cruise equipped with functions of hotel and ship. The distinguishing marks are : The first one of the main peculiarities is associated with the International agreement and the safety of passangers and the ship required by the specific regulation. The cruise interior design should be also selectively chosen. The third in comply with the peculiarity of the space plan the base of planning the cruise spaces are as follows : The course of bow and stern the pillar the center line of ship main vertical bulkhead watertight subdivision bulkhead and the deck. The last by special peculiarity of construction materials, materials and products applied for the cruise should meet the regulation of SOLAS and IMCO.



  1. 최신해상인명안전협약 SOLAS 한국선급 IMO사무국(번역)
  2. 선박기본설계학 박명규;권영중
  3. 선박운항해사개론 김웅주
  4. 조선공학일반이론 이지영
  5. 선체구조 공업전문대학교교재편찬위원회
  6. 조선해양공학개논 대한조선학회
  7. 선용의장 우봉구(외 5명)
  8. 선박설계 이성범
  9. 배이야기 채수종
  10. 크루즈여행의 신상품개발에관한 연구 이경모
  11. 조선정보 no.35
  12. 중앙일보 v.41판 no.5면
  13. HANSA ABB Marine no.9월호
  14. PORTHOLE MAGAZINE no.3월호;4월호
  15. 4th international marine systems design conference system-based passenger ship design Kai levander