담배, 토마토 및 고추에서 분리한 TMV 계통의 추가적인 생물학적 특성

Additional Biological Characteristics of TMV Strains Isolated from Tobacco, Tomato and Pepper Plants

  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cultivars including NC 82 and KF 114, and Datura stramonium, Physalis floridana, Gomphrena globosa, and Chenopodium spp. were added to the previous host plants tested for the further examination on the biological characteristics of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) strains isolated from tobacco (TMV-Common), tomato (TMV-Tomato), and pepper (TMV-Pepper), In TMV-Tomato and TMV-Pepper, different symptoms were noted in P. floridana (no symptom development), and NC 82 (local lesion production on the inoculated leaves) from TMV-Common with which systemic mosaic symptoms were developed. Local lesions were developed in KF 114, D. stramonium, G. globosa, and Chenopodium spp by TMV-Common and TVM-Tomato, while no symptom was observed in KF114 and G. globosa. Also the number and size of local lesions were smaller in KF 114 than Xanthi-nc tobacco (local lesion host) infected with TMV-Tomato. Systemic necrosis was induced in Xanthi-nc and KF 114 when infected with TMV-C at high temperature, but not with the other strains.
