Chemical Properties of Soils in the Vicinity of Yoch의on Industrial Complex

여천공단 주변지역 토양의 화학적 성질

  • Published : 1998.02.01


Effects of air pollutants on the chemical properties of soil in Yoch'on inductrial complex were investigated. Soil pH showed severe acidity with average value of 4.3$\pm$0.13. Soil pH decreaed along the increase in altitute of Mt. Jeseok. Soil organic matter and total N was 19.2$\pm$3.6% and 4.7$\pm$0.25mg/g, respectively, which were higher than those of unpolluted area, Kongju. Available P was 41.2$\pm$3.7 $\mu$g/g, which was 4 times greater than that of unpolluted area, Kongju. Average content of total-S was 283.5$\pm$14.1 $\mu$g/g, which was 10 times greater than that of unpolluted area. Content of available Al was o.43$\pm$0.03 mg/g, which was 2 times greater than that of unpolluted area. Available Al increased as the soil pH decrease. Contents of exchangeable K, Ca and Mg were significantly lower than those in unpolluted area, because of severe leaching in acid soil.



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