Design and analysis tool for optimal interconnect structures (DATOIS)

최적회로 연결선 구조를 위한 설계 및 해석도구 (DATOIS)

  • 박종흠 (숭실대학교 전자계산학과) ;
  • 김준희 (숭실대학교 전자계산학과) ;
  • 김석윤 (숭실대학교 전자계산학과)
  • Published : 1998.07.01


As the packing density of ICs in recent submicron IC design increases, interconnects gain importance. Because interconnects directly affect on two major components of circuit performance, power dissipation and operating speed, circuit engineers are concerned with the optimal design of interconnects and the aid tool to design them. When circuit models of interconnects are given (including geometry and material information), the analysis process for the given structure is not an easy task, but conversely, it is much more difficult to design an interconnect structure with given circuit characteristics. This paper focuses on the latter process that has not been foucsed on much till now due to the complexity of the problem, and prsents a design aid tool(DATOIS) to synthesize interconnects. this tool stroes the circuit performance parameters for normalized interconnect geometries, and has two oeprational modes:analysis mode and synthesis mode. In the analysis mode, circuit performance parameters are obtained by searching the internal database for a given geometry and interpolates results if necessary . In thesynthesis mode, when a given circuit performance parameter satisfies a set of geometry condition in the database, those geometry structures are printed out.
