대한기계학회논문집A (Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A)
- 제22권4호
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- Pages.779-789
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- 1998
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- 1226-4873(pISSN)
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- 2288-5226(eISSN)
열충격하 적층체의 열탄성 구배기능 계면영역을 고려한 동일선상 복수균열 해석
Collinear cracks in a layered structure with a thermoelastically graded interfacial zone under thermal shock
- Choi, Hyung-Jip ;
Jin, Tae-Eun
(Power Technology Development Research Center, Korea Power Engineering Corporation) ;
Lee, Kang-Yong
(Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University)
- 발행 : 1998.04.01
In this paper, the thermal shock responses of collinear cracks in a layered medium are investigated based on the uncoupled, quasi-static plane thermoelasticity. The medium is modeled as a bonded structure composed of a surface layer and a semi-infinite substrate. Between these two dissimilar homogeneous constituents, a functionally graded interfacial zone exists with the nonhomogeneous features of continuously varying thermoelastic properties. Three cracks are assumed to be present in the layered medium, one in each one of the constituent materials, aligned collinearly normal to the nominal interfaces. A system of singular integral equations is solved, subjected to the forcing terms of equivalent transient thermal tractions acting on the locations of cracks via superposition. Main results presented are the transient thermal stress intensity factors to illustrate the parametric effects of various geometric and amterial combinations of the medium with the thermoelastically graded interfacial zone and the collinear cracks.