대수적 언어 학습으로서의 문자식의 지도 - 중학교 1학년 문자와 식 단원의 지도 계획안 구성 및 수업 사례 -

On the Learning of Algebraic Language: the Teaching of literal Expressions

  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


In this Study, I concerned the learning-teaching of the use of letters in algebra. Our Study can be summarized as follows; First, I tried to establish the theoretical Foundation necessary for the learning-teaching of the use of letters in literal expressions. Second, I made a course of study that leads to the understanding of the meaning and the use f literals in algebraic expressions. Third, Based on this course of study, I held classes on First-grade students in middle school and I carried on an investigation their understanding of the meaning and the use of literals in algebraic expressions. Finally, I made an analysis of findings in this investigation and identified student's a better understanding of the meaning and the use of literals in algebraic expressions.
