• BIJAN-ZADEH, M.H. (Institute of Mathematics, University for Teacher Education) ;
  • PAYROVI, SH. (Institute of Mathematics, University for Teacher Education)
  • 투고 : 1997.07.11
  • 발행 : 1998.07.30


In this short note we study the torsion theories over a commutative ring R and discuss a relative dimension related to such theories for R-modules. Let ${\sigma}$ be a torsion functor and (T, F) be its corresponding partition of Spec(R). The concept of ${\sigma}$-Cohen Macaulay (abbr. ${\sigma}$-CM) module is defined and some of the main points concerning the usual Cohen-Macaulay modules are extended. In particular it is shown that if M is a non-zero ${\sigma}$-CM module over R and S is a multiplicatively closed subset of R such that, for all minimal element of T, $S{\cap}p={\emptyset}$, then $S^{-1}M$ is a $S^{-1}{\sigma}$-CM module over $S^{-1}$R, where $S^{-1}{\sigma}$ is the direct image of ${\sigma}$ under the natural ring homomorphism $R{\longrightarrow}S^{-1}R$.



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