Effects of Insamjungchuntang on the Respiratory System in Experimental Animals

인삼정천탕(人蔘定喘湯)이 호흡기계(呼吸器系)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Kim, Ho-Soon (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Shin, Jo-Young (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 김호순 (원광대학교 한의과대학 호흡기내과학교실) ;
  • 신조영 (원광대학교 한의과대학 호흡기내과학교실)
  • Published : 1998.08.30


Insamjungchuntang has been used in Korea for many centuries as a treatment for respiratory disease. The effect of Insamjungchuntang on tracheal smooth muscle is not known. The purpose of the present study is to determine the effect of Insamjungchuntang on histamine and acetylcholine induced tracheal smooth muscle contraction in rats and guinea pigs. Guinea pig (500 g, male) and Sprague Dawley rats (200 g, male) were killed by $CO_2$ exposure and a segment (8-10 mm) of the thoracic trachea from each rat and guinea pig was cut into equal segments and mounted 'in pairs' in a tissue bath. Contractile force was measured with force displacement transducers under 0.5 g loading tension. The dose of histamine (His) and acetylcholine (Ach) which evoked 50% of maximal response $(ED_{50})$ was obtained from cumulative dose response curves for histamine and acetylcholine$(10^{-7}{\sim}10^{-4}\;M)$. Contractions evoked by His ($ED_{50}$) and Ach $(ED_{50})$ were inhibited significantly by Insamjungchuntang. In guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle, the mean percent inhibition of acetylcholine induced contraction was $38.58\(p<0.05)\;after\;10{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang, $90.75\(p<0.01)\;after\;30{\mu}l/ml$. Insamjungchuntang and $133.17\(p<0.01)\;after\;100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang. In rat tracheal smooth muscle, the mean percent inhibition of acetylcholine induced contraction was $10.0\(p<0.05)\;after\;10{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang, $80.71\(p<0.01)\;after\;30{\mu}/ml$ Insamjungchuntang and $118.29\(p<0.01)\;after\;100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang. Also, in guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle, the mean percent inhibition of histamine induced contraction was $45.5\(p<0.01)\;after\;10{\mu}l/ml$ lnsamjungchuntang, and $93.17\(p<0.01)\;after\;30{\mu}l/ml$. lnsamjungchuntang $134.50\(p<0.01)\;after\;100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang. In rat tracheal smooth muscle, the mean percent inhibition of histamine induced contraction was $37.83\(p<0.01)\;after\;10{\mu}l/ml$ lnsamjungchuntang, $90.5\(p<0.01)\;after\;30{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang and $135.17\(p<0.01)\;after\;100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang. Propranolol $(10^{-7}\;M)$ slightly but significantly attenuated the inhibitory effects of Insamjungchuntang. Following treatment with propranolol, the mean percent inhibition caused by $100{\mu}l/ml$. Insamjungchuntang fell to 46.42% in guinea pig induced by acetylcholine contraction and by $100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang fell to 5.43% (p<0.05) in rat induced by acetylcholine contraction and the mean percent inhibition caused by $100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang fell to 49.0% in guinea pig induced by histamine contraction and by $100{\mu}l/ml$ Insamjungchuntang fell to 48.6% (p<0.05) in rat induced by histamine contraction. Indomethacin and methylene blue $(10^{-7}\;M)$ did not significantly alter the inhibitory effect of lnsamjungchuntang. Also, I could find the effects of lnsamjungchuntang and Insamjungchuntanggamorphine on the tracheal smooth muscle in guinea pig and rat did not change significantly. These results indicate that Insamjungchuntang can relax histamine and acetylcholine-induced contraction of guinea pig and rat tracheal smooth muscle, and that this inhibition involves sympathetic effects.



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  60. 半瓜丸이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 盧丞錫
  61. 淸肺湯 및 加味淸肺湯이 Oleic acid로 誘發시킨 家ꟙ의 肺水腫과 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金炳勳
  62. 柴蘇飮子가 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 宋鎭吾
  63. 華蓋散 이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金聖炫
  64. 解表兩陳湯 및 解表二陳湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 朴千洙
  65. 痲黃湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 洪在義
  66. 九仙散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 柳東樹
  67. 潤肺除嗽飮이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 尹浩碩
  68. 柴胡枳桔湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李敏燮
  69. 三拗湯 및 神朮散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 吳英旭
  70. 五拗湯 및 神朮散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李始炯
  71. 杏子湯不得者 宜橘蘇散에 對한 實驗的硏究 韓宗炫
  72. 半夏溫肺湯 및 그 構成藥物이 實驗動物에 미치는 影響 宋鎭吾
  73. 九寶飮이 Sensitized Rat의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李昇祐
  74. 痲黃散이 Sensitized Rat의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 沈益鉉
  75. 人蔘潤肺湯이 Histamine으로 收縮한 Rat의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 崔善燁
  76. 五虎湯이 白鼠의 呼吸器系에 미치는 影響 金鎬淳
  77. Allergic Brown-Norway Rat에 미치는 溫肺湯의 效果 金應植
  78. 麻黃蒼朮湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 朴魯洙
  79. 淸金飮이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 李哲鉉
  80. 瀉白散과 瀉白散加詞黎靭이 呼吸器系에 미치는 影響 李恂鎬
  81. 定喘湯의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 朴千洙
  82. 人蔘飮子가 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 沈暎燮
  83. 人蔘淸肺湯이 呼吸器系에 미치는 影響 李始炯
  84. 九仙散이 Airway Smooth Muscle에 미치는 影響 金榮喆
  85. 淸金湯의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金應植
  86. 哮喘의 原因 및 治法에 關한 硏究 鄭昇杞
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