Study of philosophical basis of 'Sasang Constitutional Medicine(四象醫學)' by ${\ulcorner}$Myungsunrock(明善錄)${\lrcorner}$

"명선록(明善錄)"을 통한 사상의학(四象醫學) 철학(哲學)배경에 대한 연구

  • Kim, Dal-Rae (Dept. of constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine Sangji Univ.)
  • 김달래 (상지대학교 한의과대학 체질의학과)
  • Published : 1998.04.30


According to the above, Myungsunrock(明善錄) written by 'Hansuckji(韓錫地);A.D.$1709{\sim}1803$' advocated his idea as well as criticized theory of 'Zhu Zi(朱子)' and influnced of the theory of 'SaSang Constitutional Medicine(四象醫學)' established by 'Lee Je-ma(李濟馬)' indirectly and directly inlater. Therefore it was as follows that the conclusion of the contents of Myungsunrock' and the philosophical basis of 'SaSang Constitutional Medicine(四象醫學)’. 1. Hansuckji was the 'Choungju Hanssi Rhevinyungongpa(淸州 韓氏) 禮'賓 尹a公n派)’ and descendanted with of the founder of his family and he was born in 1709, dead in 1803 at 95 age 2. Hansuckji was a scholar of a 'Yang Ming(陽明)’ that criticized study of 'Zhu Zi' and the group of 'Song(宋)' 3. Hansuckji defined that "Ge(格) is Zheng(正)". 4. Hansuckji advocated 'Zhi Xing He Yi Shuo(知行合一說)' 5. Hansuckji advocated that (we must) reach the 'Ming Shan(明善)' through the study and the means of 'Ming Shan' is as like as the means of 'Zhi Liang Zhi(致良知)' 6. Hansuckji explained of theory of 'Tiyong(體用)' instead of deviding into 'Tian Ren Xin Ming Li Qi(天 人 性 命 理 氣)' 7. The thought of Hansuckji delivered the theory of 'SaSang Constitutional Medicine(四象醫學:' established Lee Je-ma(李濟馬) directly and indirectly 8. Hansuckji is the first class of the scholars of 'Yang Ming' that included the contents of theory of 'Yang Ming' among the 'Yanlun(言論), directly 9. Lee Je-ma was obviously the third class of the scholars of 'Yang Ming' which advocating fundamental spirit of his whole life but he had no reference of the study of 'Yang Ming'.



  1. 我等의 財産 시문독본(時文讀本) 권4 제4과 平東武(육당 최남선 전집 제 8권) 최남선
  2. 황제의학 v.2 no.2 동무사상설의 경학적 기조 이을호
  3. 關北淸州韓氏 五校丙子 大同譜 한기방(韓基邦)
  4. 청주한씨 대동족보 예빈윤공파 7편 청주한씨 대동족보 예빈윤공파
  5. 양명사상과 원불교 김순임
  6. 양명학연론 정인보
  7. 주자학과 양명학 김석근(등 옮김)
  8. 상산학과 양명학 김길락
  9. 양명학 김형찬(등 옮김)
  10. 조의학 연변 민족의학연구소 사상의학 초본권 4통 김형찬(등 옮김)
  11. 동의수세보원 이제마
  12. 사상의학 사상의학교실(엮음)
  13. 격치고 박석언(역)
  14. 운암 명선록 考-그의 유학사적 의의- 이을호
  15. 명선록 한석지
  16. 증보함산지 한석지
  17. 중용 김학주(역)
  18. 논어 장기근