양생도인법(養生導引法)과 현대운동요법(現代運動療法)의 비교(比較) 고찰(考察)

A Study on Comparison of Yangsaeng-Doyin Therapy and Modern Exercise Therapy


Today the interest about maintenance and improvement of health has been increasing more and more. Realizing the necessity of study about exercise remedy, by consideration of the exercise remedy in the Occident and the Orient, I come to conculsions as follows : First, both Modern Exercise therapy and Yangsaeng-Doyin therapy(養生導引法) are preserve methods founded on breathing principle and are used efficiently in disease treatment and health maintenance. Second, compared with Yangsaeng-Doyin therapy(養生導引法), Modern Exercise therapy concentrates on physical training which emphasize momentum, Yangsaeng-Doyin therapy(養生導引法), however, focuses on discipline at once in mind and body based on the care of moral culture. Third, Modern Exercise therapy has been develope in view of Cure medicine, but Yangsaeng-Doyin therapy(養生導引法) to Psychosomatic preserving therapy including preserving health, treating a diseade and longevity in the light of comprehensive Priventive medicine. Fourth, while Modern Exercise therapy in the field of Clinical medicine is organized systematically and practically, Yangsaeng-Doyin therapy(養生導引法) is not sufficient to practical study in real clinic despite the abundance of content.
