Particle Size Distribution and Rheological Properties of Australian Noodle Flours

호주산 제면용 밀가루의 리올로지 성질과 입도분포

  • Yoon, Yeon-Hee (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Kon (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University)
  • 윤연희 (단국대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김성곤 (단국대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1998.08.31


The characteristics of four samples of noodle flours milled from Australian Standard White(ASW) wheat were compared with one sample of noodle flour prepared from a blend of hard red winter(HRW) and western white(WW) American wheats. The ASW flours had lower content of protein and ash. Farinograms revealed that the absorption of the ASW flours was slightly higher than that of the HRW-WW flour. The mixing time, however, showed no difference between ASW flours and HRW-WW flour. The stability and the mechanical tolerance index were different among ASW flours, which were lower than HRW-WW flour. The ratios of resistance to extention determined by extensigraph for ASW flours were higher except one flour than HRW-WW flour. The flours showed characteristic mean particle sizes, which may reflect the differences in hardness of wheat used in the flour production. Farinograph indices showed no correlations with protein content and extensigraph indices. The amylograph peak viscosity was inversely correlated with the protein content (p<0.05).

호주산 표준흰밀(Australian Standard White, ASW)로 제분한 제면용 밀가루 4종의 리올로지 성질과 입도분포를 미국산 경질붉은겨울밀(Hard Red Winter, HRW)과 서부흰밀(Western White, WW)의 혼합밀로 제분한 밀가루와 비교하였다. ASW 밀가루는 미국산보다 단백질과 회분함량이 낮았고, 아밀로그래프 최고점도는 높았다. 파리노그래프 흡수율은 호주산 밀가루가 높았으나 반죽형성시간은 호주산과 미국산 사이에 차이가 없었다. 밀가루 반죽의 저항도와 신장도는 호주산 밀가루가 작았다. 밀가루 입자크기 분포는 시료마다 독특한 경향을 보였다. 파리노그래프 지표는 단백질 또는 익스텐시그래프 지표와 상관을 보이지 않았다. 아밀로그래프 최고점도는 단백질과 (-)상관을, 익스텐시그래프의 신장도는 단백질과 (+)상관을 보였다.
