한의학에서 사람해부학 교육의 현황과 문제점

The Present Situation and Problems of Human Anatomy in Oriental Medicine

  • 김수명 (대전대학교 한의과대학 해부학교실)
  • Kim, Soo-Myung (Dept. of Anatomy, Oriental medical college, Taejon University)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.25


The human anatomy is the fundamental subject which is required lots of time and efforts for medical students. But most of the oriental medical students think it little important field. And moreover they have no active attitudes in their courses. In order to improve the present situation, the results obtained from this study are as follows: 1. As a Law of Cadaver Conservation revised systemically, there's need to have enough cadavers for dissection. 2. The teaching method must be converted into the laboratory technique with the strengthening human anatomy. 3. With opening a neuroanatomy course in oriental medical curriculum, the quality of nervous system is expected to increase. 4. Under the current medical system, there's need to have discussion deeply about the histology course.
