회전하는 원뿔의 각도에 따른 축 대칭 원통형 용기에서의 와동붕괴에 관한 연구

Vortex breakdown in an axisymmetric circular cylinder with rotating cones

  • 김재원 (선문대학교 기계자동제어공학부) ;
  • 엄정섭 (유한전문대학 기계설계과)
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


A numerical investigation has been made for flows in an axisymmetric circular cylinder with an impulsively rotating cone located at the bottom of the container. The axisymmetric container is completely filled with a viscous fluid. Major parameter for the present research is only the vertex angle of the cone, otherwise Reynolds number and aspect ratio of the vessel are fixed. Main interest concerns on the vortex breakdown of meridional circulation by impulsive rotation of the cone with respect to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder. Numerical method has been used to integrate momentum and continuity equations on a generalized body-fitted grid system. The pattern of vortex breakdown is quite different from that in a right circular cylinder with flat endwall disks. The flow visualization photograph of the preceeding work by Escudier is compared with the present numerical results and the two results are in good agreements. Also flow data are plotted to gain a deep understanding for the present phenomena of the vortex breakdown. The conclusions of this work are clearly explained by the classical theory of the vortex flows in a finite geometry.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 유한전문대학