구미공업단지의 공장입지와 연계 -제1단지의 경우-

The Spatial Linkage and Complex Location of Kumi Industrial Complex -The Case of No.1 Industrial Complex-

  • 조성호 (대구효성가톨릭대학교 지리교육과) ;
  • 최금애 (대구효성가톨릭대학교 지리교육과)
  • Cho, Sung-Ho (Department of Geography Education, Catholic University of Taegu-Hhyosung) ;
  • Choi, Kum-Hae (Department of Geography Education, Catholic University of Taegu-Hhyosung)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.30


본 연구는 구미공단 1단지내에 입주하고 있는 공장의 입지과정과 공간연계를 통하여 입지특성을 밝히고 공단내 공장의 전수를 방문하여 면담과 질문지에 의하여 조사하였다. 구미공업단지는 국가의 정책과 인접지역인 대구의 공업특성이 반영되어 전자공업과 섬유공업으로 특화되어 있으며 업종별로 단지가 양분되어 있다. 공장유치정책에 의한 유인효과로 소수의 대기업이 입지함으로써 관련되는 중소기업의 입지를 촉진시켰으며, 섬유공업은 대구에 본사를 둔 분공장이, 전자공업에서는 부품을 생산하는 단일공장이 다수를 정한다. 물자연계에 있어서 섬유공업은 원료구입은 대구와 제품판매는 수출중심으로 해외지역과 연계가 강하며, 전자공업은 원료구입은 타도시와 제품판매는 단지내와 연계가 강하다. 서비스연계도 업종에 따라 차이가 있으며, 고차서비스는 타지역과 저차서비스는 지역내와 연계하고 있다. 구미공단내의 공장은 하청관계가 탁월하여 지방소재 공업단지의 특성을 반영하고 있고 공간적인 관계는 섬유공업은 대구와 전자공업은 공단내의 대기업과 강한 연계관계를 맺고 있다.

This case study was conducted by verification the site characteristics based on the questionnaire and interview obtained from the all factories located at No. 1 developing area in Kumi industrial complex. The site characteristics were presumed from the process of location behavior and spatial linkage. Kumi industrial complex was developed to improve export industry at national levels by providing chief land price and benefiting various tax. Kumi industrial complex which enticed many factories is playing an important role in export industry in Korea. At beginning, the detention of large enterprises promoted the establishment of related small to medium sized factories into the complex. Two distinctive industries. textile and electronic, were reflected by the purpose to establish the complex and industrial characteristics of Taegu city. respectively. In Kumi industrial complex, positive responses on traffic and raw material supply and negative reactions on the environmental impact on social community as well as high labor charge were investigated. Especially the higher labor cost prevented to hire laborers effectively. In the linkages of spatial and raw material, most factories in the complex depended on the availability of out side the Kumi city. For the textile factories, the supply of raw material and parts were relied on Taegu and/or other cities, whereas in electronic factories purchased them mainly from other cities and partly from abroad. Although questionnaire and interview suggested it, most of the parts were supplied by a parts maturing companies on the complex to a few large enterprises. In the marketing linkage, textile factories revealed higher relation-ship with the foreign countries and sewing factories in Korea. On the other hand, electronic factories have strong relation-ships in the marketing linkage to the parts supplying companies in the complex or large-scale resembling companies in other cities. In the textile companies, the right for decision on purchasing raw materials and parts is belonging to the owner whereas mother enterprise usually have the right for the marketing. In the case of the electronic factories, all the purchasing activities are related to the sub-contracting companies. In the service linkage, the Quality of the service created spatial distinction. There was high linkages on inside of Kumi complex for the low grade services such as repairing and installing machines, whereas strong linkages on outside of the complex for the high grade services such as management, law, taxation, new product development. and manufacturing technology. In the linkages of activity on the R&D (research and development), electronic factories do not have sufficiently qualified institutes in the complex. Strong regional linkages in the field of textile and electronic industries revealed limitations of the local industrial complex. In the sub-contracting linkage, high linkage ship within Kumi boundary reflected the characteristics of industrial site in the complex. There, most decisions by the companies centered by the mother enterprise.
