The Influence of Market in Agricultural Spatial Organization

농업공간조직에서 시장의 영향

  • Lee, Sang-Yool (Department of Geography, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 1997.12.31


Although modern versions of the traditional Von $Th{\ddot{u}}nen$ theory have contributed to a description of spatial organization in agriculture, they did not incorporate the market mechanism as an integral part of location theory. This deficiency has been indicated and new mathematical structure has been proposed elsewhere by the author. The closed model, which simultaneously considered a basic principle of supply and demand, exposed a computational complexity. Based on the problem, this study attempts to extend market mechanism in order to consider the influence of city (market) size in agricultural location theory. To theoretically explore the economic relationship in a location theory, this study simplifies agricultural activity as just two activities in one-dimensional spatial economy. The problem has been solved by equating total supply and demand of agricultural products, and then by determining each agricultural price from the relationship. All of the mathematical problems have been arranged in matrix form. First, the traditional model and closed model have been compared by quantitative comparative statics which provides the sensitivity test for each model. The results have shown that the traditional model shows a relatively excessive change in land use, besides the deficiency of a constant agricultural price. Second, the effects of the size of market town and its population increase were examined, using the closed model. In this case, the price of agricultural product is increased, and the land use is extended outward. This proves that locational rent is related to the expansion of land use. Third, environmental uncertainty was associated with the closed model, in order to further consider the difference of farmers attitude in strategic perspective. In this study, two extreme attitudes, which reflects the maximum average expected returns and the maximum guaranteed returns, were examined in their land use and their effects on the prices of agricultural products. It was shown that the two farmers attitudes can be interconnected with location theory. Due to the exogenous data, the differences in the area of land use and total quantities of agricultural products were not clearly shown in this study. However, it was shown that the land use pattern is very different. That is, maximum guaranteed return model reveals a mixed land use pattern around the market town. Basically, this study shows some spatial and economic implications related to Von $Th{\ddot{u}}nen$ model.

본 연구는 전통적인 농업입지론에 기초한 생산지향 모델에서 시장원리를 고려하여 토지이용에서 변화와 농작물 가격의 변화를 고찰하기 위한 이론 연구이다. 본 연구에서 제시된 균형모델은 생산비용, 운송률, 수요의 측면에서 생산지향모델과 비교된다. 시장(도시)의 규모가 농업토지이용에 미치는 영향을 시나리오를 통해 분석하였다. 또한 제시된 균형모델이 농업에서 불확실성이란 요소를 그 모델에서 어떻게 수용하는가를 제시하였다.
