Applied Microscopy
- Volume 27 Issue 2
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- Pages.121-130
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- 1997
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- 2287-5123(pISSN)
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- 2287-4445(eISSN)
Effects of Diltiazem on Isoproterenol-induced Myocardial Cell Wounding in the Rabbit
Isoproterenol 투여로 유발된 심근세포 손상에 미치는 diltiazem의 영향
- Kim, Hyun (Department of Histology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University) ;
- Chang, Dae-Yung (Department of Histology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University) ;
- Rah, Bpng-Jin (Department of Histology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University) ;
- Kim, Ho-Dirk (Department of Histology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University)
- Published : 1997.06.01
It has been demonstrated that majority of cells in the mammalian body such as myocytes and epithelial cells of skin and intestine respond to mechanical force or environmental factors and exhibit partial disruption of cell membrane, i. e., cell wounding, even in a physiological condition. Myocardial cells are rather apt to be wounded than other cells since they are definitely exposed to mechanical stress by contraction-relaxation and blood flow. However, the mechanism how myocardial cells protect themselves against cell wounding is not yet clarified. On this background, the present study was performed to elucidate whether albumin leakage is related to cell wounding and to assess whether diltiazem, a potent calcium channel blocker, is beneficial in isoproterenol-induced cell wounding in the heart. Hearts isolated from New Zealand White rabbits (