Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics (대한후두음성언어의학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 1
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- Pages.59-64
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- 1997
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- 2508-268X(pISSN)
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- 2508-5603(eISSN)
The Design of an Artificial Larynx Controlled by the EMG
근전위 제어형 인공후두의 설계
In this Paper, we developed an electrolarynx controlled by the EMG(electromyography) of the sternohyoid muscle, and rested the property of the new electrolarynx while normal persons with his own larynx use it. for the examination of property of the developed electrolarynx, our researchers performed three different experiments. The first experiment was tested whether that on/off control of the vibrator of the electrolarynx is synchronized with the activity of the sternohyoid EMG. In the second experiment, it was tested when the lower amplitude of the sternohyoid EMG is produced, whether the higher pitch of the electrolarynx is produced, and vice versa. The third experiment was tested the probability that the electrolarynx can produce the voiceless sound. As the results, we found that the developed electrolarynx had the good produce of the on/off vibrator control and the pitch control of the electrolarynx. Also, we ascertained the possibility that it can produce the voiceless sound.