남녀 중학생의 의생활영역 학습내용과 학습방법 개발을 위한 기초연구 -Home Economics for Young Men:A Teaching Guide의 의생활 영역 학습내용과 학습과제 분석을 통하여-

A Preliminary Study for Developing the Learning Content & Method on Clothing and Textiles Education for Middle School Students -on the Basic of the Analysis of the Learning Content & Subjects on the Area of Clothing and Textiles in Home Economics for Young Men:A Teaching Guide-

  • 이수희 (서울사대 부속고등학교) ;
  • 신상옥 (중앙대학교 사범대학 가정교육학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


The purposes of this study are:(1) to analyze the learning content & subjects on the area of clothing and textiles in Home Economics for Young Men: A Teaching Guide, (2) to compare it with the learning content & subjects on the area of clothing and textiles in Home Economics teaching guides in the middle school in Korea, (3) to provide preliminary data for developing the learning content & learning method on clothing and textiles education for middle school students. To implement these proposals, Home Economics for young Men: A Teaching Guide in U.S.A and 6 Home Economics teaching guides for the middle school in Korea are reviewed and analyzed. The research findings were as follows: 1. Home Economics for Young Men is characterized as including: (1) interesting learning contents for girls and boys in the middle school, (2) learning contents for helping students to work on their own initiative (3) learning contents related to actual life, (4) practical consumer education content related to clothing and textiles area, (5) learning contents for developing originality, (6) learning contents related to vocational education. 2. The subjects in Home Economics for Young Men give careful considerations especially on how to learn. They are based on the idea that middle school students have to learn and to solve the subject by themselves. 3. Learning contents on Home Economics teaching guides for middle school in Korea are different from learning contents in Home Economics for Young Men in the subject & the form of description, the subject matter of practice in clothing area, the standpoint of description on clothing matters. The subjects in Home Economics teaching guides for middle school in Korea don’s give careful consideration on how to learn. There are little idea that middle school students have to learn and to solve the subject by themselves.



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  9. Home Economics for Young Men: A Teaching Guide Kohlmann,E.L.
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