환경보전과 지속가능한 부산의 도시개발방안

Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Pusan Development Strategy

  • 황영우 (부산 발전연구원 도시계획과) ;
  • 송교욱 (부산 발전연구원 도시계획과) ;
  • 양위주 (부산여자대학 광광경영학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Pusan has experienced some different paths of urbanization and industrialization compared to other cities. and has faced the problem of over-saturation In enoronmental capacity. Pusan needs to fond out sustainable development strategies based on Agenda 21 by UNCED In 1992 to secure urban renewal. Therefore. Pusan's sustainable development strategies focus on the 1)research on envlronmental capacity and reasonable population accommodation 2)supp1y of basic enoronmental facilities for the human settlement 3)protection and efficient management of environmental pollution 4)saving and control of energy and other resources S)independent and stable euecution of plan based on biological relation 6)harmony between nature and urban spatial organization. In addition. these policies can be suggested along with the conclusions; First, ostablishment of green plan-muddle and long term environmental goals Included In the urban planning to reduce enoronmental deterioration and pollution. Second, computation of sustalnability Indeu the Index Is necessary to sustainable urban development, which is related with green GNP of the national level. Third, capacity estimation of nature and social environment-estimation of enoronmental capacity to the civilized area is required become an ecopolis, and is required to focus on the western area of Pusan which has high decree of potentiality.



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  4. 낙동강 상수원수 수질개선방안 동남개발연구원(현, 부산발전연구원)
  5. Lo-cal Agenda 21과 지방정부의 대응에 관한 워크숍 '94 지구환경회의의 의의와 내용 박영숙
  6. 21세기 에너지 수급전망과 정책과제 에너지경제연구원
  7. 토지연구 환경보전적 국토개발정책 윤양수
  8. 도시문제 도시와 환경보전적 개발 이창우
  9. 지탱가능한 개발과 실천수단에 대한 고찰 정희성
  10. 도시·지역·환경 최병두
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  16. An Introduction to Regional Economics(Third Ed.) Hoover, Edgar M.
  17. The Social Economics and Technological problems of Rapid Urbarnixation In-dustrialization and Society Paris Houser, Philip M.;Bert F.(ed.);Hoselitz(ed.);Wilbert E. Moore(ed.)
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  19. International Encyclopedia of the Socieal Sceince Macmillan and Free Press Ⅱ
  20. The Southeast Asian City London McGee, T. G.
  21. Urban Geograph, (2nd, Ed.) Northam, Ray M.
  22. Agenda 21 UNCED
  23. Our Common Future WCED