ATM 기반의 HDSL 정합기능 구현 및 성능평가

Implementation and performance assessment of high-rate digital subscriber lind(HDSL) interface function under ATM

  • 양충렬 (한국전자통신원 신호서비스연구실) ;
  • 장재득 (한국전자통신원 신호서비스연구실) ;
  • 김진태 (한국전자통신원 신호서비스연구실) ;
  • 강석열 (한국전자통신연구원 ATM 교환연구부) ;
  • 김환우 (충남대학교 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.05.01


This paper describes an interface function and its performance assessment for high-bit-rate digital subscriber line (HDSL) under ATM. The interface of HDSL function of ATM system was achieved by HDSL subscriber physical layer board assembly(HSPA) which was modeled as design standard for ATM. We have presented a new worst case of subscriber line conditions from existing results of investigations on impairments such as crosstalk, impulse noise, longitudinal, power line noise and others. We have measured the maximum service loop length available by HDSL, and found that HSPA, at a 2.048Mbps data transmission, is possible within a carrier serving area(CSA) under the worst case loop noise conditions at an error rate or 10$^{-7}$ on a two coordinated unshielded twisted pairs in the presense of impairments. We conclude tht, in terms of a performance-per-lin simulator, the HSPA is an excellent candidate for HDSL implementation under ATM.



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  2. DLS200H HDSL Wireline Simulator, Operating and Reference Manual(Rev.4) Consultronics
  3. News of the week Telephony
  4. Generic Requirements for High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Lines, TA-NWT-001210 no.1 Bellcore
  5. IEEE GLOBECOM HDSL Design Issues-Optimization and Architecture Gain Rolf Matzner
  6. IEEE JSAC v.9 no.6 The HDSL Environment Jean J. Werner
  7. IEEE JSAC v.9 no.6 A Discrete Multitone Transceiver System for HDSL Applications Jacky S. Chow
  8. IEEE JQSAC v.9 no.6 The HDSL Environment Jean-Jacques