A VPC/VCC managment scheme of ATM network using SNMP

SNMP를 이용한 ATM망의 VPC/VCC 관리 기법

  • Published : 1997.03.01


Since an ATM network consists of a number of VPC/VCC requiring various QoS requirements, the end-to-end QoS for each VPC/VCC should be guaranteed. Although many research works on the traffic control are under study to guarantee the QoS, there have been research efforts to reflect the results of network management functions into the traffic control mechanism. To effectively make use of the performance management functions into the VPC/VCC management, threre is a need for the network manager to rapidly retrieve the relevant information. In this research, the mechanism to effectively retrieve the management information using SNMP is suggested. First of all, we construct the MIBs in the agent for the corresponding VPC/VCC. Also, we suggest the way to retrieve MIB with minimum cost. Mathematical analysis shows that the proposed technique has better performance than that using the existing SNMP.



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  19. 연세대학교 석사학위논문 SNMP를 이용한 ATM망의 VPC/VCC 관리기법 송운섭