수정된 엘만신경망을 이용한 외환 예측

Predicting Exchange Rates with Modified Elman Network

  • Beum-Jo Park (I thank Chung-Min Kuan for his helpful comments and Halbert White and Francis Diebold for their concerns. The remaining errors, of course, of course, are mine. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Korean Econometric Association Meeting) ;
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


This paper discusses a method of modified Elman network(1990) for nonlinear predictions and its a, pp.ication to forecasting daily exchange rate returns. The method consists of two stages that take advantages of both time domain filter and modified feedback networks. The first stage straightforwardly employs the filtering technique to remove extreme noise. In the second stage neural networks are designed to take the feedback from both hidden-layer units and the deviation of outputs from target values during learning. This combined feedback can be exploited to transfer unconsidered information on errors into the network system and, consequently, would improve predictions. The method a, pp.ars to dominate linear ARMA models and standard dynamic neural networks in one-step-ahead forecasting exchange rate returns.



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