휴가목적지 선택과정에서의 선택기준의 중요성

The importance of choice criteria in vacation destination decisions

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


A vacation destination was conceptualized to be chosen through a three-stage process consisting of an early consideration set formation, a late consideration set formation, and a final selection stage. Choice criteria were defined as an individual's belief toward the relationships between perceived attributes, expected outcomes, and the destination. And these criteria were assumed to be divided into benefit-related dimension and perceived risk-related dimension. Through two pilot surveys, 13 items which have 4 factors were identified. used on 4 factor structures, the benefit-related dimension was identified to be consisted of three sub-dimensions, "historic/cultural", "escaped" and "naturalness". A longitudinal panel survey was used to test the differences of the importance of choice dimensions through the choice process. The importance of benefit-related dimension was decreased through the choice process as hypothesized except "naturalness" factor. And as hypothesized, the importance of perceived risk-related dimension was increased.



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