- J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.116 no.1 Quantification of temperature effects on stem elongation in poinwettea. Berghage, Rober D.;Royal D. Heins
- Scientia Hiorticulturae. v.58 Patterns in stem elongation rate in chrysanthemum and tomato plants in relation to irradiance and day/night temperature. Bertram,L.;P.Karlsen.
- Acta. Hroticulturae. v.174 Growth of young cucumber plants under different diurnal temperature patterns. Challa, H.;P.Brouwer
- HortScience. v.8 The influence of day temperature. night temperature, and photoosynthetic photon flux on Lilium longiflorum Thumb. Nellie White Erwin,J.E.;R.D. Heins.
- Amer. J. Bot. v.79 no.1 Thermomorphogenesis in Lilium longiflorum. Erwin, J. E.;R. D. Heins;M. G. Karlsson
- Grower Talks. v.50 Why grow plant with warmer night than days? Erwin, J. E.;R. D. Heins;R. Berghage;M. G. Karlsson;W. Carlson;J. Biernbaum.
- Bot. Gaz. v.137 no.1 Thermoperiodic effects on the growth and photosyntewsis of wheat and crop plants. Friend, D. J. C.;V. A. Helson.
- J. Hort. Sci. v.70 no.1 Low-temperature pulse affects growth and development of young cucumber and tomato plants. Grimstad, S. O.
- Scientia Horticulturae. v.53 Effect of different day and night temperature regimes on greenhouse cucumber young plant production, flower bud formation and early yield. Grimstad, S. O.;E. Frimanslund.
- Grower Talks. v.50 The control of plant height by innovative temperature control. Heins, R. D.;M. Karlsson;J. Erwin.
- Scientia Horticulturae. v.38 Influence of day and night temperature on the growth of young tomato plants. Heuvelink, E.
- J. Exp. Bot. v.16 Growth and development in the young tomato. Ⅲ. The effect of night and day temperature of vegetative growth. Hussey, G.
- 漢方實用大事典 工藤의志
- J. Oriental Bot. Res. v.5 no.1 Effect of components and yield with different temperature in Codonopsis lanceolata. Lee, S.R.;E.S. Yoon;H.H. Kim;Y.S. Lee;Y. Motoda
- Napoleon Ⅲ. Acta. Horticulturae. v.141 Temperature and daylength responses in Dianthus carthusianorum cv. Moe, R.
- Scientia Horticulturae. v.43 Effect of day and night temperature alternations and plant growth regulators on stem elongation and flowering of the long-day plant Campanula isophylla Moretti. Moe, R.
- Acta. Horticulturae. v.272 Control of plant morphogensis and flowering by light quality and temperature. Moe, R.;R. Heins
- Gartenbauwissenschaft v.52 no.6 Effect of flutuating temperature on growth and flowering of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Mortensen, L.M.;r. Moe.
- Acta. Horticulturge. v.327 Effects of various day and night temperature treatments on the morphogenesis and growth of some greenhouse and bedding plant species. Mortensen, L.M.;R. Moe.
- ツルニンジン栽培 とセンブリの品種育成(育種經過と品種特性)について 中島由朗
- Ann. Bot. v.48 Growth analysis of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuun L.)2. Interacting effects of irradiance, temperature and plant age in controlled conditions. Nilwik, H. J. M.
- Acta. Horticulturae. v.92 Modifying effects of ancymidol and gibberellins on temperature induced elongation in fuchia X Hybrida. Tangeras, H.
- Acta. Horticulturae. v.327 Effects of intensity duration and timing of a temperature drop on the growth and flowering of Euphorbia pulcherrima. Ueber, E.;L. Hendriks