- Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheikunde v.139 Polyglobulie infolge Leberkarzinom bei Rind und Schaf Braun U;Caplazi P;Linggi T;Graf F
- Carcinogenesis v.15 Experimental reproductio nof the papilloma-carcinoma complex of the alimentary canal in cattle Campo MS;O'Neil BW;Barron RJ;Jarrett WF
- Proc 10th Annu Kal Kan Symp Treat Small Anim Dis Couto CG
- Essentials of Small Animal Internal Medicine Principles of cancer treatment Couto CG;Nelson RW(ed.);Couto CG(ed.)
- Veteriary technician v.18 Cancer therapy: Evaluating options Couto CG
- American Journal of Veterinary Research v.56 Ocular squamous cell carcinoma in Simmental cattle in Zimbabwe Den Otter W;Hill FW;Klein WR;Everse LA;Ruitenberg EJ;Van der Ven LT;Koten JW;Steerenberg PA;Faber JA;Rutten VP
- Oral Diseases v.2 Spontaneous squamous cell carcinomas of the oral regiion in domestic animals: a review and consideration of their relevance to human research Gardner DG
- Review Medical Hypotheses v.47 Aging bull Geelhoed GW
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America v.93 Distribution of endogenous type B and type D sheep retrovirus sequences in ungulates and other mammals Hecht SJ;Stedman KE;Carlson JO;DeMartini JC
- Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract v.20 Principles and applications of chemotherapy Helfand SC
- Schweiz Arch Tierkheik v.127 Beurteilung, Prognose und biologisches Verhalten Kalin S;Suter M;Lott-Stolz G. Mammatumoren beim Hund
- Veterinary Pathology v.33 A retrospective study of multicentric bovine renal cell tumors Kelley LC;Crowell WA;Puette M;Langheinrich KA;Self AD
- Tierarztliche Praxis v.15 Zur Lidplastik nach Tumorexstirpation (Cancer eye) im Bereich des Auges beim Rind Kostlin RG;Jonek JE
- The human-animal bond and grief Lagoni L;Butler C;Hetts S
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.15 Recent advances in radiation oncology LaRue SM;Gillette EL
- Histopathology v.26 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: low incidence of human papillomavirus DNA detected by the polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization Lopez-Beltran A;Munoz E
- A review. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy v.36 Interleukin-2 in cancer treatment: disappointing or (still) promising? Maas RA;Dullens HF;Den Otter W
- British Veterinary Journal v.151 Sequence of an exon of tumour suppressor p53 gene--a comparative study in domestic animals: mutation in a feline solid mammary carcinoma Mayr B;Schaffner G;Kurzbauer R;Reifinger M;Schellander K
- Rec Vet Med v.158 Etude des recepteuers des hormones steroides dans les tumeurs mammaies de la chienne. Ⅱ. Correlations avec quelques caracterisques cliniques Mialot JP;Andr F;Martin PM(et al)
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.15 Recent advances in chemotherapy for non-lymphoid malignant neoplasms Moore AS
- Tumor in Domestic Animal(3rd ed) Moulton JE
- J Ster Biochem v.15 Spontaneous canine mammary tumors: a model for human endocrine therapy Raynaud JP;Cotard M;Andre F(et al)
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.15 Recent advances in chemotherapy for lymphoma in dogs and cats Vail DM
- JAAHA v.27 The three rules of good oncology. Biopsy! Biopsy! Withrow SJ
- Journal of Comparative Pathology v.114 Skin tumours in cattle and sheep after freeze- or heat-branding Yeruham I;Perl S;Nyska A