The Effect of Aquapuncture with Hepatonics on the Recovery in Artificially Induced Hepatic Damaged Dogs

간기능강화제의 수침이 간손상 유발견의 회복에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1997.06.01


The present experiment was performed in order to know the treatment effect of aquapuncture with hepatonics on recovery in artificially induced hepatic damaged dogs by carbon tetrachloride. The animals were divided into a control and two experimental groups (aquapuncture with taurine into Gan-su acupoint: Aa-I group and aquapuncture with taurine into blank acupoint in the thigh: Aa-II group). The changes of serum enzyme activities (ALT, AST and ALP), serum total protein contents, protein fractions and pathohistological findings of the liver were examined after application of aquapunctiuf treauent The results obtained through this experiment were summarized as follows : The serum ALT activities tendeded to decrease in experimental group compared with those of control group. Significances were detected at 5th (p<0.05) and 7th (p<0.05) day in Aa-I group and 7th day (p<0.05) in Aa-II group, respectively. Low value was fecund in Aa-I group compared with Aa-II groups but significance was not observed between two experimental groups. The serum AST activities in experimental group showed decreasing tendency compared with those of control group. Significances were observed at 2nd (p<0.05) and 5th (p<0.05) day in Aa-I group and 2nd (p<0.05) day in Aa-II groups respectively. Aa-I group showed lower values than those of Aa-II groups however, no significance was detected between experimental groups. The serum ALP activities of experimental group showed a slight decrease compared with those of control group, however, significance was not detected among all groups. The serum total protein content in experimental group showed tendency of increase compared with control group. Significance was found at 2nd day (p<0.05) in Aa-I group, but there was no significance in Aa-II group. Further significant increase of total protein content was seen at 1st day (p<0.05) in Aa-I group compared with Aa-II group. The change of serum albumin content in experimental group showed tendency of increase compared with control. Significant increases were detected at 1st (p<0.01) and 2nd (p<0.01) day in Aa-I group, respectively. Aa-II group showed increase compared with control groups but significance was not observed. Further significant increase was at 1st day (p <0.05) in Aa-I group compared with Aa-II group. The change of ${\beta} $-globulin in Aa-I group was slightly decreased compared with control group. Aa-II group was similar to controls but significance was not observed among all groups. The change of P-globulin content in Aa-I group showed tendency of increase compared with control and Aa-II group showed the tendency of decrease compared with control. The change of ${\gamma}$-globulin content experimental group showed tendency of increase compared with control, however, significance was not detected among groups. The change of A/G ratio in Aa-I group showed tendency of increase compared with control group and Aa-II group was similar to controls but no significance was found among groups. As for pathohistological observations the grade of hepatocellular vacuolized degeneration and necrosis in Aa-I group was milder than those of control and Aa-II groups and the change of Aa-II group was similar to that of control. Considering above finding collectively, it was thought that aquapuncture of Gan-su acupoint with hepatonics was more effective than aquapuncture of blank acupoint for the recovery of hepatic damage.



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