후두마비 개에 대한 피열연골고정술

Arytenoidopexy with Bilateral Vocal Cord Excision (laryngofissure) for the Relief of Laryngeal Paralysis

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


This study was conducted to assess the application of spectrograms in the diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis and the arytenoidopexy with bilateral vocal cord excision (laryngofissure) for the relief of laryngeal paralysis. Laryngeal paralysis represented two types of stridor A and B (AN, PN). There were significant differences in Dominant Frequency ( DF, p<0.01), which were $3590{\pm} 209.81 Hz, 7445\{pm}418.54 Hz$, respectively. After arytenoidopexy with bilateral vocal cord excision (laryngofissure), $PaO_{2} levels (100.57{\pm}7.59 mmHg) were more increased than that (86.5 {\pm} 3.34 mmHg)$ of pre-operative dogs.



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