- Am J Vet Res v.47 no.5 Upper airway obstruction in canine laryngeal paralysis Amis, T.C.;Smith, M.M.;Gaber, C.E.;Kurpershoek, C.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.15 no.5 Upper airway obstruction Aron, D.N.;Crowe, D.T.
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.29 Dysphonia in two dogs with crainial cervical intervertebral disk extrusion Bagley, R.S.;Stefanacii, J.D.;Hansin, B.;Kornegay, J.N.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.13 Surgery of the canine pharynx and larynx Baker, G.J.
- J A V M A v.194 no.12 Laryngeal paralysis in immature and mature dogs as one sign of a more diffuse poluneuropathy Braund, K.G.;Steinberg, H.S.;Shores, A.;Steiss, J. E.;Mehta, J.R.;Toivio-Kinnucan, M.;Amlig, K. A.
- Am J Vet Res v.49 no.12 Morphologic and morphometric studies of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles in clinically normal adult dogs Braund, K.G.;Steiss, J.E.;Marshall, A.V.;Mehta, J. R.;Amling, K.A.
- J A V M A v.188 no.11 Trypanosomiasis and laryngeal paralysis in a dog Barr, S.;Baker, D.;Markovits, J.
- Br Vet J v.151 no.71 A review of laryngeal paralysis in dogs Burbidge, H.M.
- Australian Veterinary Journal v.68 no.8 An experimental evaluation of castellated laryngofissure and bilateral arytenoid lateralisation for the relief of laryngeal paralysis in dogs Burbidge, H.;Goulden, B.E.;Jones, B.R.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.34 Laryngeal paralysis in dogs : An evaluation of the bilateral arytenoid lateralization procedure Burbidge, H.M.;Goulden, B.E.;Jones, B.R.
- Newzealand Vererinary Journal v.39 Neurogenic laryngeal paralysis in the dog Burbidge, H.M.;Goulden, B.E.;Jones, B.R.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.30 Gastro-esophageal reflux and hiatus hernia associated with laryngeal paralysis in a dog Burnie, A.G.;Simpson J.W.;Corcoran. B.M.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.18 Blood oxygen and carbon dioxide in normal dogs and in dogs with respiratory failure Clark, W.T.;Jones B.R.;clark, J.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.5 Observation on the upper respiratory tract of the dog and cat Cook, W.R.
- J A V M A v.178 no.9 Arterial blood gas and acid-base values in dogs with various diseases and signs of disease Cornelius, L.;Rawlings, C.A.
- Laryngoscope v.80 no.10 The paralyzed larynx : An electromyographic study in dogs and humans Dedo, H.H.
- J A V M A v.1986 no.4 Laryngeal paralysis in dogs : A review of 23 cases Gaber, C.E.;Amis, T.C.;Lecouteur, R.A.
- J A V M A v.182 no.10 Castellated laryngofissure and vocal fold resection for the treatment of laryngeal paralysis in the dog Gourley, I.M.;Paul, H.;Gregory, C.
- Compendium small animal v.9 no.10 Canine laryngeal paralysis Greenfield, C.L.
- Disease mechanism-Small animal Surgery Laryngeal paralysis and collapse Greenfield, C.L.;Dye, J.A.;Bojrab, M.J.(ed.)
- Am J Vet Res v.49 no.8 Neuromuscular pedicle graft restoration of arytenoid abductor function in dogs with experimentally induced laryngeal hemiplegia Greenfield, C.L.;Walshaw, R.;Kumar, K.;Lowrie, C.T.;Derksen, f.J.
- J A V M A v.179 no.9 Laryngeal paralysis in three cats Hardie, E.M.;Kolata, R.J. Stone, E.A.;Steiss, J.
- Vet Surgery v.12 no.4 Partial laryngectomy in the dog. 1. Healing and swallowing function in normal dogs Harvey, C.E.
- Current Veterinary Therapy Ⅷ Laryngeal paralysis in hypothryoid dogs Harvey, C.E.;Irby, N.L.;Watrous, B.J.;Kirk, R. W.(ed.)
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.18 Treatment of laryngeal paralysis in dogs by partial laryngectomy Harvey, C.E.;O'Brian;J.A.
- Acta Oto-laryngology v.76 The respiratory muscle of the larynx Hast, M.M.
- Current techniques in small animal surgery(3rd ed) Treatment of Laryngeal paralysis Hedlund, C. S.;Bojrab, M. J.(ed.)
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.30 Glottic stenosis secondary to vocal fold resection : Results of scar removal and corticosteroid treatment in nine dogs Holt, D.;Harvey, C.
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.30 Idiopathic laryngeal paralysis: Results of treatment by bilateral vocal fold resection in 40 dogs Holt, D.;Harvey, C.
- J Acoust Soc Am v.80 no.5 Normalized noise energy as an acoustic measure to evaluate pathologic voice Kasuya, H.;Ogawa, S.;Mashima, K.;Ebihara. S.
- J Korean Logo Phon v.6 no.1 Sound spectrographic analysis of the voice of patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis Kim, K.M.;Kakita, Y.;Hirano, M.
- Folia Phoniatr v.41 Distribution of the amplitude in the pathologic voice signal Klingholz, F.;Martin, F.
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.25 Treatment of laryngeal paralysis in dogs by unilateral cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty Lahue, T.R.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.28 The assessment of corrective surgery for canine laryngeal paralysis by blood gas analysis : A review of thirty-five Love, S.;Waterman, A.E.;Lane, J.G.
- Upper respiratory system In Textbook of Small Animal Surgery(2nd ed.) Nelson. A.W.;Slatter, D.H.(ed)
- J Sm Anim Pract v.14 Neurogenic atrophy of the laryngeal muscles of the dog O'Brien,, J.A.;Harvey, C.E.;Kelly, A.M.;Tucker, J.A.
- The Veterinary Quartely v.8 no.4 Inherited laryngeal paralysis. Analysis in the Husky Cross O'Brien, J.A.;Hendriks, J.
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.26 Abductor muscle prosthesis for correction of laryngeal paralysis in 10 dogs and one cat Payne, J.T.;Roberts, A.M.;Rigg, D.L.
- Small Animal v.13 no.10 Surgical options for laryngeal paralysis in dogs : A consideration of partial laryngectomy. The Compedium North American Edition Petersen, W.S.;Rosin, E.;Bjorling, D.E.
- J A V M A v.172 no.6 Laryngeal paralysis in a dog Reinke, J.D.;Suter, P.F.
- Laryngoscope v.92 Laryngeal reinnervation Rise, D.H.
- J A V M A v.180 no.5 Bilateral arytenoid cartilage lateralization for laryngeal paralysis in the dog Rosin, E.;Greenwood, K.
- Veterinary Surgery v.20 no.3 Complications and long-term results after partial laryngectomy for the treatment of idiopathic laryngeal paralysis in 45 dogs Ross, J.T.;Matthiesen, D.T.;Noone, K.E.;Scavelli, T.A.
- J A V M A v.196 no.8 Peritracheal abscess associated with tracheal collapse and bilateral laryngeal paralysis in a dog Salisbury, S.K.;Forbes, S.;Blevins, W.E.
- J A V M A v.174 no.5 Laryngeal hemiplegia due to neoplasia of the vagus nerve in a cat Schaer, M.;Zaki, F.A.;Harvey, H.J.
- Laryngoscope v.102 Effects of denervation on laryngeal muscles Shindo, M.L.;Herzon, G.D.;Hanson, D.G.;Cain, D.J.;Sahgal, V.
- J A V M A v.188 no.11 Evaluation of a modified castellated laryngefissure for alleviation of upper airway obstruction in dogs with laryngeal paralysis Smith, M.M.;Gourley, I.M.;Kurpershoek, C.J.;Amis, T.C.
- Am J Vet Res v.49 no.9 Electromyographic evaluation of conduction time and velocity of the recurrent laryngeal nerves of clinically normal dogs Steiss, J.E.;Marshall, A.E.
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.30 Long-term results of unilateral ventriculocordectomy and partial arytenoidectomy for the treatment of laryngeal paralysis in 60 dogs Trout, N.J.;Harpster, N.K.;Berg, J.;Carpenter, J.
- The Veterinary Quarterly v.17 How to solve the problem Venker-van Haagen;A.J. Dyspnea
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.17 Hereditary transmission of laryngeal paralysis in Bouviers Venker-van Haagen, A.J.;Bouw, J.;Hartman, W.
- J Sm Anim Pract v.30 Unilateral arytenoid lateralization: An assessment technique and long term results in 62 dogs with laryngeal paralysis White, R.A.S.
- Veterinary Record v.118 Outcome of surgery for laryngeal paralysis in four cats White, R.A.S.;Littlewood, J.D.;Herrtage, M.E.;Clarke, D.D.
- The Compendium on Continuing Education v.5 no.2 Canine laryngeal disease. Part Ⅱ. Diagnosis and treatment Wykes, P.M.