- Veterinary encyclopedia v.Ⅱ Eye diseases in ruminants Ammann K
- Vet Med v.86 The ophthalmic and neuroophthalmic effects of a vitamin A deficiency in yound cattle Anderson WI;Rebhun WC;Lahunta A;Kalfelz FA;Klossner MC
- Vet Rec v.100 Congenital nuclear cataracts in cattle Ashton N;Barnett KC;Clay CE;Clegg FG
- Br Vet J v.135 Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis a review Baptista PJHP
- Am J Vet Res v.33 Ocular squamous cell carcinoma (cancer eye) in Hereford cattle: Radiation repair processes and a comparison of cultured cells with xeroderma pigmentosum in man Cleaver JE;Kaimer RA;Zelle MR
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.159 Cataracts in cattle Gelatt KN
- Am J Vet Res v.30 Ocular anomalies of incomplete albino cattle: ophthalmoscopic examination Gelatt KN;Huston K;Leipold HW
- Mod Vet Pract v.57 Congenital ophthalmic anomalies in cattle Gelatt KN;Leipold HH;Huston K
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.180 The role of face flies in an episode of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis Gerhardt RR;Allen JW;Greene WH;Smith PC
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.157 A five-year study of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in a beef herd Hughes DE;Pugh GW
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.145 Keratoconjunctivitis associated with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Hughes JP;Olander HJ;Wada M
- Large animal ophthalmology Lavach JD
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.126 Infectious necrotic rhinotracheitis of cattle Miller NJ
- Gelatt KN. Veterinary ophthalmology.(2nd ed.) Food animal ophthalmology Miller TR;Gelatt KN
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.163 An epizootic of malignant catarrhal fever in feedlot cattle Pierson RE;Thake D;McChesney AE;Storz J
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.161 Bovine infectious keratoconjunctivitis: Moraxella bovis as the sole etiologic agent in a winter epizootic Pugh GW;Hughes DE
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.153 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis: clinical review, immunity, and control Rosner SF
- Can Vet J v.29 Blindness caused by hypovitaminosis A in feedlot cattle Van Donkersgoed J;Clark EG
- Vet Pathol v.22 Ocular lesions of bovine malignant catarrhal fever Whiteley HE;Young S;Liggitt HD;DeMartini JC