환경의미 분석을 위한 기호학적 접근방법 연구

A Study on the Method of Semiotic Approach on Environmental Meaning

  • 김주미 (원광대학교 산업디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


Architectual environment in this study means a language and meaning complex which makes communication between human beings and environment possible. The purpose of this study is to propose a semiotic approach to analyze and examine meaning, as a semiotic system, and its effects, focusing on the generative meaning in the relationship between human beings and environment. For this purpose, it examines the academic status of modern semiotics in postmodernism and the possibility of its being metalanguatge for a study of a variety of cultural phenomena and desigv. It also provides two viewpoints as propositions for its analysis: it explains the necessity of environmental-discoursive attitude and social-semiotic viewpoint which understands environment as social-cultural reflectors. Finally, it provides framework and all the interpretative procedures for analysis of environmental meanings on the basis of the approach of semiotics of space. By applying the methods proposed this study to the case studies, it also proves validity of this approach and the potentialities of the application of semiotics. This study emphasizes not only denotative configuration of the architectural environment but also its connotative meanings. It maintains that designers, architects, and theorists should realize correctly today's changed value system and social and aesthetic paradigms. It also stresses the necessity of development of the new architectural language and meaning system.



  1. 구조주의 사유체계와 사상 김형효
  2. 기호학 연구 1집 문화와 기호 한국기호학회
  3. 기호학연구 2집 현대사회와 기호
  4. 철학대사전 한국철학사상 연구회
  5. 기호의 정치 경제학 비판 Budrillard, Jean;이규현(역)
  6. 시물라시옹 하태환(역)
  7. 조형기호학 Floch, Jean-Marie
  8. 담론이란 무엇인가 Macdonell, D.;임상훈(역)
  9. 현대기호학의 흐름 Parret, H.;김성도(역)
  10. 대우학술총서. 번역31 일반언어학 강의 Saussure, F. de;최승언(역)
  11. 이데올로기와 이론 Zima, Peter;김태환(역)
  12. Psychology and Ecology Visual Perception Physiology Bruce, V.;Green, P.R.
  13. Main Trends in Aesthedtics and the Science of Art Dufrenne, Mikel (Ed.)
  14. Postmodern Semiotics;Materical Culture and the Forms of Postnodern Life Gottdiener, M.
  15. Narrative Semiotics and Cognitive Discourse Greimas, Algirdas Julien
  16. A New Language for Environmental Design Herbert, Lynden
  17. Semiotic Perspectives Hervey, Sador
  18. Social Semiotics Hodge, R.;Kress, G.
  19. Creating Architectural Theory Lang, Jon
  20. Environmental Aesthetics Nasar, J.L.(Ed.)
  21. Environmental Discourse Teymur, Necdet
  22. Visionary Archtecture Thomesen, Christian W.
  23. Behavior and Design v.3 Advance in Environment Zube, E.H.;Moore G.T.(Ed.)
  24. 숭실대학교 박사청구논문 회화적 표상에 있어서 기호와 행위의 접근가능성: N.Goodman 기호론의 발전적 고찰 김복영