- 한국 가능최대강수량의 추정 건설부
- 대한토목학회논문집 v.13 no.2 AFOSM 방법에 의한 하수관망의 신뢰성 분석 김문모;이원환;조원철
- 제1회 수공학 웍샵 ILLUDAS 모형 윤용남
- Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design v.Ⅱ Ang, A. H. S.;Tang, W. H.
- J. of the Hydraulics Division v.9 no.2 Reevaluating spillway adequacy of existing dams ASCE Committee on the Reevaluation of the Adequacy of Spillways of Existing Dams of the Committee on Hydrometerology of the Hydraulics Division
- Water Resoruces Research v.7 no.4 Use of Monte Carlo technique in the design and operation of a multipurpose reservoir system Askew, A. J.;Yeh, W. W.-G.;Hall, W. A.
- Water Resources Research v.16 Risk of dam failure in benefit-cost analysis Bacher, G.B.;Pate, M.E.;Richard, N.
- Engineering Journal of Canada v.54 no.3 Dam disasters an assessment Biswas, A. K.;Chatterjee, S.
- IAHR Research and Practice in the Water Environment Risk analysis Its use for evaluation of marginal projects and sensitivity of results to different probability distribution of input data Bohun, V.;Vischer, D.L.
- Geotechnical Rehabilitation Risk assessment : A tool for dam rehabilitation decision Bowles, D. S.
- Proc. of Session on Seismic Considerations in Risk Analysis of Dams, Structures Division, Specialty Conference Disign level risk assessment for dams Bowles, D.S.;Anderson, L.R.;Glover, T.F.
- Open channel flow Chaudhry, M. H.
- Overtopping risk evaluation for an existing dam Cheng, S. T.
- Proc. of the XXVth Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research Comparison of failure parameter criteria in first order reliability analysis Cheng, S. T.;Yen, B. C.
- in Application of Kalman Filter to Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources Evaluation of stochastic hydrology Chow, V.T.;Chiu, C.L.(ed.)
- Applied hydrology Chow, V. T.;Maidment, D. R.;Mays, L. W.
- Rationalisation of Safety and Serviceability Factors in Structure Codes CIRIA
- Proceeding of International Symposium on Uncertainties in Hydrologic and Water Resources System v.2 First-order analysis of model and parameter uncertainty Cornell, C. A.
- Floods from dam failure Costa, J. E.
- Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers v.24 Dam disasters Gruner, E. C.
- Statistical Methods in Hydrology Haan, C. T.
- J. of the Engineering Mechanics Division v.100 no.1 Exact and invariant second moment code format Hasofer, A. M.;Lind, N. C.
- Lessons from dam incidents. Abridged edition Internation Commission on Large Dams
- Dams and public safety Jansen, R.B.
- Water power and Dam Construction A classification of dam failure Johnson, F. A.;Illes, P.
- Science v.197 Disasters as a necessary part of benefit-cost analyses Mark, R. K.;Stuart-Alexander, D. E.
- Science v.197 Disasters as a necessary part of benefit-cost analyses Mark, R.K.;Stuart-Alexander, D.E.
- Uncertainty analysis of stream dissolved models Qaisi, K.
- Non-normal distributions in structural reliability Rackwitz, R.;Fiessler, B.
- J. of the Hydraulics Division v.104 no.9 Risk of catastrophic failure of major dams Rose, D.
- Proc. of Fifth IAHR/IAWPRC International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage Return period, risk and probability in urban storm drainage - From the experience of 20th century to the science in 21st century Yen, B. C.;Iwasa, Y(ed.);Sueishi, T.(ed.)
- Reliability and Uncertainty Analyses Design Some recent progress in reliability analysis for hydraulic design Yen, B. C.;Tung, Y. K.;Yen, B. C.(ed.);Tung, Y. K.(ed.)
- Reliability and Uncertainty analyses Design Some recent progress in reliability analysis for hydraulic design Yen, B.C.(ed.);Tung, Y.K.(ed.)