- 한국수자원학회지 v.29 no.2 하천 식수의 수리학 윤세의
- 한국수자원학회논문집 v.30 no.3 하천내 수목의 내력시험 이진원;유대영
- 대한토목학회 학술발표회 논문집 (II) 하천내 식수기준의 국내외 비교검토 및 개선방향 이진원;우효섭
- 대한토목학회논문집 v.17 no.II-4 도시하천 고수부지내의 식생에 대한 홍수위변화 해석 조홍제;이준용
- Open-channel Hydraulics Chow,V.T.
- Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists Dean,R.G.;Dalrymple,R.A.
- Master Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Experimental Determination of Drag Coefficients in an Open-channel with Simulated Vegetation Dunn,C.J.
- Journal of Hydraulics Division v.99 no.5 Flexible roughness in open channels Kouwen,N.;Unny,T.E.
- Journal of Hydraulics Division v.99 no.5 Effect of tall vegetations on flow and sediment Li,R.M.;Shen,H.W.
- Symposium on Manning's Equation A physically based model for determining flow resistance and velocity profiles in vegetated channels Saowapon,C.;Kouwen,N.;B.C.Yen(Ed.)
- Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering v.10 no.2 Turbulent open-channel flow over bed covered by rigid vegetation Tsujimoto,T.;Shimizu,Y.;Kitamura,T.;Okada,T.