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- Appl. Phys. Lett. v.34 no.11 Direct Observation of Voltage Barriers in ZnO Varistors O.L. Krivanek;P. Williams
- J. Appl. Phys. v.47 no.11 Barrier Voltage Measurement in Metal Oxide Varistors J. Wong
- J. Appl. Phys. v.61 no.4 Different Single Grain Junctions Within a ZnO Varistor M. Tao;Bui Ai;O, Dorlanne;A. Loubiere
- Jpn. J. Appl Phys. v.34 no.4A Single Juction in ZnO Varistors Studied by Current-Voltage Characteristics and Deep Lebel Transient Sepectroscopy H. Wang;W. Li;J. F. Cordaro
- J. Am. Ceram. Soc. v.79 no.12 Effect of Variation in Grain Size and Grain Boundary Barrier heights on the Current-Voltage Characteristics of ZnO Varistors C.W. Nan;D.R. Clarke
- J. Appl. Phys. v.50 no.11 Statistics and Grain Size in Zine Oxide Varistors P.R. Entage
- J. Phys. Rev. v.B51 no.16 Nonlinear Currents in Voronoi Network M. Bartkowiak;G.D. Mahan
- Adv. Ceram. Matter. v.2 no.4 Effect of Grain-Size Distribution on the Barrier Voltage of ZnO Varistors G.Y. Sung;C.H. Kim;M.H. Oh
- Acta Phys. Sinica v.36 no.10 A Microstructure-Physical Model of Sensitive Semioconductor Ceramics C.W. Nan
- Physica B.(Amsterdam) v.179 no.3 Non-linear Ⅰ-Ⅴ Characteristics of Double Schottky Barriers and Polycrystalline Semiconductors E. Canessa, V.L.Nguyen
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. v.35 no.4A Multiple-Peaked Structure in the Nonlinearity Coefficient of ZnO Varistors M. Bartkowiak;G.D. Mahan;F.A. Modine;M.A. Alim
- J. Am. Ceram. Soc. v.76 no.5 Electrical Nonuniformity of Grain Boundaries Within ZnO Varistors H.T. Sun;L.Y. Zhang;X. Yao
- J. Comp. Phys. v.32 no.2 Construction of Voronoi Polyhedra W. Brostow;J. Dussault;B.L. Fox
- J. Comp. Phys. v.32 no.1 A Procedure for the Construction of Voronoi Polyhedra J.L. Finney
- Phys. Rev. B. v.46 no.22 Conductance of Two-Dimensional Disordered Voronoi Networks A. Priolo;H.M. Jaeger;A.J. Dammers;S. Radelaar
- Chaos:Making a New Science J. Gleik
- The Essence of Chaos E. Lorenz