산림생태계 관리: 개념, 원칙 및 적용방법을 중심으로

Forest Ecosystem Management: Concepts, Principles and Applications

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Forest managers are increasingly being challenged to produce goods and services to society while managing for ecosystem sustainability. Forest ecosystem management is an emerging philosophy to achieve these objectives. We synthesized some basic concepts of forest ecosystem, sustainability in forests and forest ecosystem management, and described the importances of long-term ecological studies. Also we presented few relatively simple principles of forest ecosystem management, strategies, and case studies for integrating forest ecosystem management principles into the forest management planning process. It was emphasizd that in forest ecosystem management process, society, land managers, forest managers, and scientists be entered into a partnership to reshape management goals, redefine objectives, and redirect management actions in response to changing socioeconomic information and evolving bioogical, physical, chemical, and environmental conditions. Agreement or disagreement with our synthesis and opinions on forest ecosystem management is out of the primary objective of this paper, which is to stimulate new and creative approaches to forest ecosystem management as an emerging issue in forestry.



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  3. 한국임학회지 v.84 산림생태계 생물다양성 보전전략 신준환
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  7. Ecosystem Management;Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.II An overview of ecological principles for ecosystem management Bourgeron, P.S.;M.E. Jensen;Jensen M.E.(ed.);P.S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  8. Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.II Ecological theory in relation to landscape and ecosystem characterization Bourgeron, P.S.;H.C. Humphries;R.L. DeVelice;M.E. Jensen;Jensen, M.E.(ed.);P.S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  9. J. For. v.92 Making ecosystem policy;three decades of change Caldwell, L.K.;C.F. Wilkinson;M.A. Shannon
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  11. Ecol. Appl. v.6 Ecology should apply to ecosystem management: a comment Carpenter, R.A.
  12. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM_GTR-278 Conference on Adaptive Ecosystem Restoration and Management: Restoration of Cordilleran Conifer Landscapes of North America Covington, W.;P.K. Wagner
  13. Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.II Managing ecosystems and social conflict Daniels, S.E.;G.B. Walker;J.R. Boeder;J.E. Means;Jensen, M.E.(ed.);P.S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  14. Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives Retrospective studies Davis, M.B.;Likens, G. E.(ed.)
  15. Perspectives in Ecological Theory Discussion: ecology and resource management is ecological theory any good in practice? Ehrlich, P.R.;Roughgarden J. R.M. May(ed);S. A. Levin(ed)
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  17. Ecosystem management: Beyond the Rhetoric Ecosystem management: a new land ethic Estill, E.;Martin, R.(ed);L.R. Rittenhouse(ed.);J.R. Jones(ed.)
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  20. USDA For. Ser. MP-1513 Healthy Forests for America's Future: A Strategic Plan Forest Service
  21. Long-Term Studies in Ecology;Approaches and Alternatives Importance and justification of long-term studies in ecology Franklin, J.F.;Likens, G.E.(ed.)
  22. Bio. Sci. v.40 Contributions of the long-term ecological research program Franklin, J.F.;C.S. Bledsoe;J.T. Callahan
  23. Partnership for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management: Fifth Mexico/U.S. Biennial Symposium. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-266 Methods for monitoring sustainability Gillespie, A.J.R.;Aguirre-Bravo, C.(ed.);L. Eskew(ed.);A.B. Villa-Salas(ed.);C.E. Gonzalez-Vicente(ed.)
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  25. A History of the Ecosystem Concept in Ecology: More Than the Sum of the Parts Golley, F.B.
  26. Partnership for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management: Fifth Mexico/U.S. Biennial Symposium. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-266 Concepts, criteria, and indicators for monitoring sustainability;Aguirre-Bravo, C.(ed.);L. Eskew(ed.);A.B. Villa-Salas(ed.);C.E. Gonzalez Vicente(ed.) Gonzalez-Caban, A.;M.E. Fenn;F. N. Scatena
  27. J. For. v.92 From vision to policy: a role for foresters Gordon, J.C.
  28. Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.II Implementing ecosystem management through the forest planning process Grossarth, O.;T. Nygren;Jensen, M.E.(ed.);P.S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  29. Ecol. Appl. v.3 The limits of applied ecological research Hilborn, R.;D. Ludwig
  30. Partnership for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management: Fifth Mexico/U.S. Biennial Symposium. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-266 Management applications for sustainable ecosystems: a case study in the Klamath National Forest Holder, B.;J. Andersen;Aguirre-Bravo, C.(ed.);L. Eskew(ed.);A.B. Villa-Salas(ed.);C.E. Gonzalez-Vicente(ed.)
  31. Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.II An overview of ecosystem management principles Jensen, M.E.;R. Everett;Jensen, M.E.(ed.);P.S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  32. Rocky Mountain New Perspectives Proceedings of a Regional Workshop. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-220 Ecosystem management workgroup findings Joyce, L.;D. Knight;Bartlett, E.T.(ed.);J.R. Jones(ed.)
  33. Ecol. Appl. v.2 New perspectives for sustainable natural resources management Kessler, W.B.;H. Salwasser;C.W. Cartwright;J.A. Caplan
  34. Forest Ecology Kimmins, J.P.
  35. Balancing Act: Environmental Issues in Forestry Kimmins, J. P.
  36. J. For. v.92 Criteria for success in managing forested landscape Lucier, A.A.
  37. Ecol. Appl. v.3 Environmental sustainability: magic, science, and religion in natural resource management Ludwig, D.
  38. Ecol. Appl. v.3 Uncertainty, resource exploitation, and conservation: lessons from history Ludwig, D.;R. Hilborn;C. Walters
  39. BioSci. v.40 Long-tern ecological research and the invisible present Magnuson, J.J.
  40. Partnership for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management: Fifth Mexico/U.S. Biennial Symposium. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-266 Sustainability;how much? Maldonado, H.R.;Aguirre-Bravo, C.(ed.);L. Eskew(ed);A.B. Villa-Salas(ed.);C.E. Gonzalez-Vicente(ed.)
  41. Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives What are the tradeoffs between the immediacy of management needs and the longer process of scientific discovery McAninch, J.B.;D.L. Strayer;Likens, G.E.(ed)
  42. Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.II Integrating ecosystem management and the forest planning process Morrison, J.;Jensen, M.E.(ed.);P. S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  43. A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems O'Neill, R.V.;D.L. DeAngelis;J.B. Waide;T.F.H. Allen
  44. Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives What questions, systems, or phenomena warrant long-term ecological study? Pace, M.L.;J.J. Cole;Likens, G.E.(ed)
  45. The Dynamic Nature of Ecosystems: Chaos and Order Entwined Pahl-Wostl, C.
  46. Bio. Sci. v.45 Ecosystem management, ecological risk, and public policy Pastor, J.
  47. Rocky Mountain New Perspectives Proceedings of a Regional Workshop. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-220 The challenge of new perspectives Salwasser, H.;Bartlett, E.T.(ed.);J.R. Jones(ed.)
  48. Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA For. Serv. GTR-PNW-318 v.Ⅱ Ecosystem management in the Forest Service: political implications, impediments, and imperatives Shepard, W.B.;Jensen, M.E.(ed.);P.S. Bourgeron(ed.)
  49. Air pollution and Forests: Interactions between Air Contaminants and Forest Ecosystems(2nd ed.) Smith, W.H.
  50. BioSci v.45 Need for ecosystem management of large rivers and their floodplains Sparks, R.
  51. Ecological Time Series Planning long-term vegetation studies at landscape scales Stohlgren, T. J.;Powell, T. M.(ed);J. H. Steele(ed)
  52. Environ. Monit. Assess v.36 Attributes of reliable long-term landscape studies: malpractice insurance for landscape ecologists Stohlgren, T.J.;D. Binkley;T.T. Veblen;W.L. Baker
  53. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, The New York Botanical Garden no.2 Long-Term Ecological Studies: An Illustrated Account of Their Desing, Operation, and Importance to Ecology, Occasional Publication of The Institute of Ecosystem Studies Strayer, D.;J.S. Glitzenstein;C.G. Jones;J. Kolasa;G.E. Likens;M.J. McDonnell;G.G. Parker;S.T.A. Pickett
  54. Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives Objective and experiment in long-term research Taylor, L.R.;Likens, G.E.(ed)
  55. J. For. v.92 Forest ecosystem management asessment team: objectives, process and options Thomas, J.W.
  56. Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives Ecological experiments: strengths and conceptual problems Tilman, D.;Likens, G.E.(ed)
  57. For. Sci. v.42 Sustainable forest ecosystems and management: a review article Toman, M.A.;P.M.S. Ashton
  58. Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives Additional views Valiela, I.;D.J. Parsons;A.E. Johnston;Likens, G.E.(ed)
  59. Partnership for Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management: Fifth Mexco/U.S. Biennial Symposium. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-266 Research to support ecosystem management in the Chattooga River Demonstration Project Van Sickle, C.C.;Aguirre-Bravo(ed.);C.L. Eskew(ed.);A.B. Villa-Salas(ed.);C.E. Gonzalez-Vicente(ed.)
  60. Ecol. Appl. v.6 Ecosystem management with multiple owners: landscape dynamics in a southern Appalachian watershed Wear, D.N.;M.G. Turner;R.O. Flamm
  61. For. Abst. v.43 Ecological aspects of natural and plantation forests Whitehead, D.
  62. Rocky Mountain New Perspectives Proceedings of a Regional Workshop. USDA For. Serv. GTR-RM-220 An ecological perspective of new perspectives Woodmansee, R.G.;Bartlett, E.T.(ed.);J.R. Jones(ed.)