전자잡지의 발달과 미래

The development and future of electronic journals

  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


This paper surveyed the development and future of electronic journals. The growing and impact of electronic publishing, developments and access of electronic journals, and the future of electronic journals were examined in detail, and remaining problems were analyzed. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows : 1. The future of electronic journals is not an issue of technology it is an issue of economics and social policy. And, the cost of delivering an electronic version to end-users were more expensive. 2. More sophisticated markup software and display software system are needed for fully structured text versions of articles. 3. Coordination of effort is essential in order that we maximize the end-users access requirements against resonable protection for the intellecture effort of the scholarly writer. 4. The success of an electronic journals will depend on the improved communication and cooperation between libraries, users, author, publishers, and information technology specialists. The advent of electronic information delivery has brought with it these issues to be solved. And development in the delivery of scholarly information by electronic means will accelerate.
