인공지능기법을 이용한 일유출량의 추계학적 비선형해석

A Stochastic Nonlinear Analysis of Daily Runoff Discharge Using Artificial Intelligence Technique

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


The objectives of this study is to introduce and apply neural network theory to real hydrologic systems for stochastic nonlinear predicting of daily runoff discharge in the river catchment. Back propagation algorithm of neural network model is applied for the estimation of daily stochastic runoff discharge using historical daily rainfall and observed runoff discharge. For the fitness and efficiency analysis of models, the statistical analysis is carried out between observed discharge and predicted discharge in the chosen runoff periods. As the result of statistical analysis, method 3 which has much processing elements of input layer is more prominent model than other models(method 1, method 2) in this study.Therefore, on the basis of this study, further research activities are needed for the development of neural network algorithm for the flood prediction including real-time forecasting and for the optimal operation system of dams and so forth.



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