수리시설물의 특성조사 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Irrigation Facilities

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


It is important to build new irrigation facilities as a countermeasure against new water demand, however the effective use of existing facilities is rather advantageous economi cally and socially.Since many irrigation facilities were constructed before 1960's, the functions of them have been declined and rehabilitation of deteriorated facilities needs great expenses. To operate the irrigation facilities efficiently, the criteria for the maintenance and repair of irrigation facilities should be established according to the importance of structures. for the reasonable evaluation of the irrigation facilities, the Irrigation Facility Inquiry System(IFIS) was developed. The present status of the irrigation facilities are grouped by the type and scale of structures, and the characteristics of irrigation facilities under control of Farmland Improvement Association(FIA) were analysed.



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