The Optimal Warranty Servicing for Repairable Products with Phase-Type Lifetime Distributions

  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


This paper considers warranty servicing for repairable products when product lifetimes are phase-type(PH) distributions. Two replace-repair strategies are analyzed based on renwal processes. The quantities of interest can be expressed in terms of the renewal function which, in general, is very difficult to evaluate. By exploiting properties of PH distributions we obtain simplification to evaluate these performance measures. Numerical examples for four different PH distributions with typical functions are presented and the results are discussed.



  1. Warranty Cost Analysis Blischke, W. R.;D. N. P. Murthy
  2. Stochastic Models v.6 Matching Moments to Phase Distribution : Density Function Shapes Johnson, M. A.;M. R. Taaffe
  3. Naval Research Logistics v.32 On Excess-, Current-, and Total-Life Distributions of Phase-Type Renewal Processes Kao, E. P. C.;M. S. Smith
  4. Management Science v.39 Discounted and Per Unit Net Revenues and Costs of Product Warranty : The Case of Phase-Type Lifetime Kao, E. P. C.;M. S. Smith
  5. European Journal of Operational Research v.90 Computational Approximations of Renewal Process Relating to a Warranty Problem : The Case of Phase-Type Lifetimes Kao, E. P. C.;M. S. Smith
  6. Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management v.24 Warranty Policies for Non-Repairable Products with Phase-Type Lifetime Distributions Kim, H. G.
  7. Management Science v.33 Discounted and Per Unit Costs of Production Warranty Mamer, J. W.
  8. Matrix-Geometric Solutions in Stochastic Models : An Algorithmic Approach Neuts, M. F.
  9. Naval Research Logistic Quarterly v.31 Cost Analysis of warranty Policies Nguyen, D. G.;D. N. P. Murthy
  10. IIE Transactions v.16 A General Model for Estimating Warranty Costs for Repairable Products Nguyen, D. G.;D. N. P. Murthy
  11. European Journal of Operational Research v.39 Optimal Replace-Repair Strategy for Servicing Products Sold with Warranty Nguyen, D. G.;D. N. P. Murthy
  12. Stochastic Models v.6 Characterization of Phase-Type Distributions O'Cinneide, C.A.
  13. IIE Transactions v.27 Algorithms for the Free Replacement Warranty with Phase-Type Lifetime Distributions Rao, B. M.
  14. Applied Probability Models with Optimization Application Ross, S. M.