빠른 무해 인식에 의한 효율적인 테스트 패턴 생성

An efficient test pattern generation based on the fast redundancy identification

  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


The fast redundancy identification is required to perform an efficient test pattern genration. Due to the reconvergent fanouts which make the dependency among objectives and the fault propagation blocking, there may exist redundnat faults in the cirucit. This paper presents the isomorphism identification and the pseudo dominator algorithms which are useful to identify redundant faults in combinational circuits. The isomorphism identification algorithm determines whether mandatory objectives required for fault detection cannot be simultaneously satisfied from primary input assignments or not using binary decision diagrma. The pseudo dominator algorithm determines whether faults propagation is possible or not by considering all paths at a given fanout node. Several experiments using ISCAS 85 benchmark circuits demonstrate the efficiency and practicability of the algorithms.
