- Algebra, chapitres 1 a 3 Bourbaki N.
- Nonlinear anaylsis, Theory, Methods & Applications v.5 Non-associative algebra and Lotka-Volterra equation with ternary interaction Itoh, Y.
- Nonlinear analysis TMA v.3 Non-associative, real algebras and quadratic differential equation Kaplan J. L.;Yorke, J. A.
- Heredity v.12 On the change of population fitness by natrual selection Kimura M.
- Algebra Lang S
- Contributions to the theroy of Nonlinear oscillations Quadratic differential euqations and non-associative algebras Markus L.;Cesari, J. LaSalle(ed.);S. Lefschetz(ed.)
- Heredity v.24 Selection through competition Mather K.
- Mulilinear algebra Maicali R.
- Travaux en cours-Algebres Genetiques (Edites par A. Micali) Les albaebres de Lotka-Volterra Micali A.;Koulibaly A.
- Introduction to higher algebra Mostowski;Stark
- Mannuscr. Math. v.19 Subalgebra that are cyclic as submodules Rohrl H.;Wischneewsky M. B.
- An introduction to non associative algebras Schafer R. D.
- Comm. Korean Math. Soc. v.10 S. I. Yoon
- Lecture notes In Biomathematics v.36 Algebras in genetics Worz-Busekros A.