• Park, Sangki (Department of Mathematics Education Kon-Kuk University )
  • 발행 : 1997.08.01


Unique factorization of 2-dimensional complete intersection is investiagted by using the determinant method introduced by D. Eisenbud.



  1. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.85 Homological dimension in local rings M. Auslander;D. Buchsbaum
  2. J. Math. Mech. v.10 Some remarks on factorization in power series rings D. Buchsbaum
  3. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. v.64 On ideals of finite homological dimension in local rings L. Burch
  4. J. Algebra v.119 The divisor class group of surfaces of embedding dimension 3 S. Choi
  5. Math. USSRSb v.10 The group of ideal classes of a complete ring V. I. Danilov
  6. Math. USSR-Sb. v.10 On a conjecture of Samuel V. I. Danilov
  7. AMS Proc. of Pure Math v.XXIX Recent progress in commutative algebra, Algebraic Geometry-Arcata 1974 D. Eisenbud
  8. The divisor class group of a Krull domain v.74 R. Fossum
  9. IHES $N^o$ v.36 Rational singularities with applications to algebraic surfaces and unique factorizations J. Lipman
  10. AMS Proc. of Pure Math v.XXIX Unique factorization in complete local rings, Algebraic Geometry-Arcata 1974 J. Lipman
  11. IHES $N^o$ v.9 The topology of normal singularities of an algebraic surface D. Mumford
  12. Atti. accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. v.40 no.8 Su un problema posto da P. Samuel P. Salmon
  13. Illinois J. Math. v.5 On unique factorization domains P. Samuel
  14. Bull. Soc. Math. France v.89 Sur les anneaux factoriels P. Samuel
  15. Math. Annelen v.152 Einige Beispiele faktorieller lokaler Ringe G. Scheja