Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 9-[2-Fluoro-4-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-2-butenyl]adenine and its Related Compounds as Open-chain Analogues of Neplanocin A

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


Novel 9-[2-fluoro-4-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-2-butenyl]adenine and its related compounds were designed and synthesized as open-chain analogues of neplanocin A. Alkylation of adenine or pyrimidine bases with the mesylate 4 was chosen as a simple approach to the synthesis of 2-fluoro-2-butenylated nucleosides. Mesylate 4 was prepared from dihydroxyacetone dimer via four steps in 58% overall yield. The synthesized compounds were evaluated their antiviral activity against HSV, HIV and Polio viruses.



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