신(腎)과 갑상선(甲狀腺)의 상관성(相關性)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

A Study on the relationship between Shin(腎) with Thyroid

  • 박종효 (경원대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 한양희 (경원대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Park, Jong-Hyo (Department of Internal Medicine, Collage of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Won University) ;
  • Han, Yang-Hee (Department of Internal Medicine, Collage of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Won University)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.30


So far we oriental medical doctors have referred to Shin(腎) as endocrine system, especially suprarenal gland, sexual gland and autonomic nervous system, thyroid etc. as well as kidney. But the sight on thyroid is weak and the relationship with Shin(腎) hasn't been suggested clearly. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between Shin(腎) with thyroid. The following are the results. 1. Ki Gi(氣機) of Shin(腎) is similar to the fuction of thyroid in that they are the base of human metabolism, influencing all the metabolism of human tissue. 2. Shin Yang(腎陽) and thyroid hormone are almost identical in that they are the base of Yang Gi(陽氣), the former as source of heat energy, the latter as energy hormone. 3. Shin(腎) and thyroid hormone are almost the same in that they activate growth of human body. 4. Ki Gi(氣機) of Shin(腎) such as Ju Gol(主骨), Saeng Su(生髓), Tong uh Noi(通於腦) is similar to the effects of thyroid hormone on bones, central nervous system and hair 5. The symptoms of deficiency of Shin Eum(腎陰虛) are almost identical with those of hyperthyroidism, so the process of Yang Hwa Gi(陽化氣) caused by exuberance of Yang due to deficiency of Shin Eum(腎陰虛陽亢) is similar to excessive metabolism caused by hyperthyroidism. 6. The process of Eum Seong Hyung(陰成形) caused by preponderance of Eum due to deficiency of Shin Yang(腎陽虛陰盛) is similar to the lowering of metabolism caused by hypothyroidism. 7. Deficiency of Shin Eum(腎陰虛) is similar to hyperthyroidism, deficiency of Shin Yang(腎陽虛) to hypothyroidism. But there are major difference in edema and the fuction of intestine. To conclude, Ki Gi(氣機) of Shin is similar to the function of throid in many respects. I hope that there will be further studies on the relationship beteen thyroid malfuction with deficiency of Shin Yang(腎陽虛) or of Shin Eum(腎陰虛) in the future.



  1. 腎與腎病的證治 李兆華
  2. 東醫生理學 大韓東醫生理學會(編)
  3. 生理學 성호경(外)
  4. 臨床腎系學硏究 社鎬京
  5. 通俗韓醫學原論 趙憲永
  6. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永
  7. 大韓生理學會誌 v.11 no.1 韓醫學의 五臟槪念과 關聯된 最近의 論點들에 對한 考察 李忠烈
  8. 大韓韓醫學會報 v.1 no.5 韓方生理學의 方法論 硏究 尹吉永
  9. 新版臟腑生理學 金完熙
  10. 山東中醫學院學報 v.16 no.1 腎臟是人體功能子系統 馬淑然
  11. 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
  12. 山東中醫學院學報 v.20 no.2 <內經> 腎臟主水的機理 孟令軍
  13. 景岳全書 張介賓
  14. 黃帝內經靈樞譯解 楊維傑
  15. 韓醫學의 形成과 體系 김완희;김광중
  16. 山東中醫學院學報 v.20 no.2 關于陰陽和陰陽學說槪念的思考 遲華基
  17. 圓光大學院, 碩士學位論文 腎陰${\cdot}$腎陽의 槪念 形成過程에 關한 文獻的 考察 曺永九
  18. 慶熙大學院, 博士學位論文 心包, 三焦, 命門의 生理學的 意義에 關한 硏究 權寧奎
  19. 中醫證候鑑別診斷學 趙金錫
  20. 東醫病理學 文濬典(外)
  21. 甲狀腺 高昌舜;趙普衍
  22. 甲狀腺疾患 李鍾錫
  23. 人體解剖學 盧旻熹(外)
  24. 甲狀腺百科 高昌舜(外)
  25. 臨床醫를 위한 甲狀腺疾患 李鍾錫
  26. 甲狀腺學 송영기;오연상
  27. 腎臟學 서울大學校 醫科大學(編)
  28. 內分泌學 서울大學校 醫科大學(編)
  29. 알기쉬운 甲狀腺解說 이문호
  30. 그림으로 說明한 病理學 이중달
  31. HARRISON'S 內科學 해리슨 飜譯 編纂委員會
  32. 慶熙大學院, 博士學位論文 寒冷 適應에 있어서 胃脘之陽과 腎陽의 役割에 對한 實驗的 硏究 金敬喆
  33. 甲狀腺敎室 김영설
  34. 釜山大學院, 博士學位論文 甲狀腺 機能亢進症 患者에서 骨密度 및 骨循環의 生化學的 指標의 變化 김인주
  35. 慶熙大學院, 碩士學位論文 甲狀腺 機能亢進症 患者에서 骨代謝指標의 測定値와 治療後 骨密度와 骨代謝 指標의 變化에 關한 硏究 한기옥
  36. 東醫學의 方法論 硏究 尹吉永
  37. 本草學 全國韓醫學科大學 本草學敎室
  38. 慶熙大學院, 碩士學位論文 鹿茸이 飢餓 白鼠 甲狀腺에 미치는 影響에 關한 組織學的 硏究 李泰浩
  39. 方劑學 李尙仁(外)
  40. 慶熙大學院, 碩士學位論文 少陽人 六味地黃湯과 錢氏六味地黃湯이 甲狀腺 機能亢進症에 미치는 影響 金起範
  41. 翰林大學院, 博士學位論文 甲狀腺 機能亢進症이 胃腸管 機能에 關한 硏究 金淵根
  42. 遼寧中醫雜誌 no.4 腎精 腎氣 腎陰 腎陽淺析 張廣榮;趨世芬