A Study on Suitable Site for Day Nursery in Tae-gu

대구의 보육시설 현황과 입지선정

  • Bae, Sook-Hee (Department of Geography, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 1996.06.30


As the proportion of women's participation in economic activities is rising, the increase of husband and wife both working and nuclear families makes children up-bringing a social problem. But many families have difficulties by the shortage of day nurseries which can solve it. As we can see in the research, the most urgent problem is the extension of nurseries in quantity. In Taegu, since it became a wide-area city, there are 473 nurseries. But in the respect of distribution, only less than 10% of Dongs have more than 7 nurseries and more than 90% of Dongs have less than 7 nurseries. Consequently nurseries are extremely insufficient. Moreover 29 Dongs don't have any nurseries at all and they take 18.6% of Dongs. The second problem is the unbalanced distribution of nurseries. West and north ward which are industrial complex and swarmed with low-income families, and Tal-sung county which is recently included in the wide-area city keenly need the establishment of nurseries. Besides, Bi-san 1 Dong and Non-gong which have only $1{\sim}2$ nurseries though they have high proportion of children and women who can be pregnant are also the areas which take precedence of nursery establishment. The third problem is that government support must be increased in the areas which have many small, petty and profit-making private nurseries so that good quality teachers can make breeding activities in nice facilities and environment. In materials which are obtained by the interviews with publich servants in charge of family welfare in some ward offices. Young and unexperienced persons who aquired certificate of qualification take day-nursery permits and run nurseries only a few months. and if the profits are insufficient, they sell the nurseries for premiums to third persons who are not qualified. Then the third managers only think of profits without thought of good quality childcare. As the result, the nurseries become asylums not nurseries. That is why the conditions of nursery establishment must be restricted to suitable scale and experienced persons. The fourth problem is that the nurseries in work places are extremely insufficient. The women who have jobs have many things to do before they go to work such as preparing meals and leaving children in the care of someone. Hence the childcare problem of working women must be solved. In nuclear families, childcare is the most serious problem for working women. The fifth one is the reduction of childcare expenses. Women must sacrifice themselves a lot to make social activities. To say nothing of physical and mental burden, they have to spend much of their salaries on childcare. And yet they don't take the benefit of good quality childcare. For the participation of women in public affairs, society must support the childcare problem to have then be devoted to their jobs without worries about their children. Therefore Taegu wide-area city must select west, north ward which are industrial complex and the low-income swarmed area before everything and establish many national, public and corporate nurseries which cost less expenses.

본 연구는 최근들어 여성의 경제활동참여가 활발해짐에 따라 맞벌이 부부가 증가되고 핵가족화에 따른 자녀 양육의 문제가 심각하게 사회문제화 됨에 따라 대구 광역시의 보육시설 현황과 입지선정을 하고자 한 것이다. 먼저 대구의 보육 시설의 분포를 보고 동별 요보육아동수, 요보육아동비율을 현재의 시설수와 대비시켜서 보육시설이 우선적으로 필요한 지역을 선정하였다. 그리고 보육아동현황을 설립주체별로도 구분해 보고 보육아동의 비율과 보육아동의 수와 가입여자인구수 및 가입여자인구비율과의 관계도 고려하여 Arc/Info(GIS software)를 이용해 지도화했다. 그 결과 요보육아동의 비율도 높으면서 가임 여자인구의 비율도 높은 지역으로 23개 동이 선정되고 그 종 보육시설이 가장 적은 9개동이 마지막으로 선정되었다. 이 연구의 결과 대구의 보육시설의 문제는 절대수의 부족, 불균등 분포의 문제와 아울러 직장보육시설의 절대부족, 정부 시설의 부족과 높은 보육비의 부담 등이 앞으로 해결해야 할 과제로 남아 있다.
