여수반도권 지역발전을 위한 컨벤션센터의 입지분석 및 건립전략

Establishment Strategies and Location Analysis of Convention Center for Regional Development of The Yosu Peninsular Area

  • 발행 : 1996.12.31


컨벤션의 유치와 개최는 인적 물적 교류를 통한 국제 상호간의 이해를 증진시키고, 지역정제를 활성화시킨다는 측면에서 지역정책론자들의 관심의 대상이 되고 있다. 컨벤션센터는 도시의 정치 경제 문화의 중심적인 기능을 수행하기 때문에 선진국의 대부분 도시에는 컨벤션센터가 건립되어 있다. 컨벤션 및 컨벤션 산업은 일반 관장산업과는 달리 부가가치가 매우 높은 관광활동이기 때문에 오늘날 대도시의 새로운 관광산업으로 등장하고 있다. 본 연구는 다가오는 21세기 여수반도권의 여건변화를 고려하여 여수반도권의 컨벤션센터 건립의 필요성, 컨벤션센터의 입지성 분석, 지역 여건에 적합한 리조트형 컨벤션센터의 건립방향 및 추진전략을 제시해 보았다. 특히 여수반도권은 다가오는 2000년대에 환태평양시대 동북아 경제권의 해운 항만의 거점중심지, 중화학 철강 기계 등을 중심으로 한 우리 나라의 신산업지구로 기능하여 새로운 해상위락 관광재발의 요구가 증대될 지역으로 전망된다. 이러한 지역 내외적 변화에 적극적으로 대처하기 위한 방안의 하나로서 컨벤션센터의 건립이 요구된다. 그리고 선진국의 임해지역에서 활용하고 있는 텔레포트 기능과 리조트 기능, 그리고 컨벤션 기능을 적절하게 조화시키는 것이 매우 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 리조트형 컨벤션센터의 건립이 필요하다.

Recently, international convention competition has greatly expanded with the globalization and expand of world economy. As the conventions market has grown, so have the number of places and facilities of convention competing for business, and numerous trade show and the related meetings held the several cities toward world city such as the United States, Europeans Countries, Japan, and Singapore. Convention, in general, are defined as an assembly, often periodical, of members or delegates, as a political, social, professional or religious group. Convention center means the place that hold several social, political, economic conferences and meetings, trade show, exhibitions, and events. Convention center are consisted the several facilities such as meeting room, exhibition hall, event hall. Historically, meetings, conventions, and trade show have been serviced primarily by hotel and convention centers. With the expand of world trade and flow in recent, the conventions, expositions, and meetings industry (CEMI), however, is one of the most rapidly growing industries in hospitality and tourism, and CEMI provides import effect on regional economy and regional development including regional tourism industry. This study focuses on the establishment strategies and location analysis of convention center as a agent for regional development in a case of Yosu Peninsular Area (YPA). YPA is one of the major industrial area of our country, and displays the rapid regional urbanization and social change with the construction such as Kwangyang container port facilities, Yulchon industrial complex, and the extension planning of industrial estate related to Kwangyang Iron and Steel Company, and population size of this area will be reached about two million peoples in 2011. This area, particularly, will be functioned as a major container & export port of our country after the completion of Kwangyang container port facilities in 1988. If the planned industrial estate is constructed, the convention center for conference exhibition, information exchange, and resort facilities for exhibition, international communication will be needed. In addition, resort and leisure facilities for conventions' participants need. This area, therefore, has to make the establishment of convention center for regional development in future. Thus, the major strategies and idea for establishment of convention center as follows: first, this area has requirements for resort convention center, because this area will be functioned as a major export port and industrial district in 21 century; second, in the location analysis of convention center site, Sinwol & Woongchon district, Soho district, and Yongju & Hodu district are selected as developing possible sites; third, the convention center of this area has to consist of two functions such as convention facilities and marine resort facilities; fourth, in order to establish convention center, the selection of main group, financial raising strategies, and the organization of propulsion committee for establishment of convention center are required.
