한국에 있어서 1994년 하계한발의 기후학적 연구

Climatological Study of 1994's Summer Droughts in Korea

  • Yang, Jin-Suk (Department of Geography Education, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.31


본 연구는 한국에 있어서 1994년 하계한발의 지역적 분포특성과 지상기압장 및 500hPa면의 종관적 특성을 평년과 비교분석한 연구이다. 평년강수량에 대한 1994년 강수량의 백분율을 기준한 6월의 한발은 여수 중심의 남부지방, 7월은 한국 전역, 8월은 소백산맥 이동의 남동안에 심한 한발을 초래하여 강수와 시간적 공간적 변동성을 반영하고 있다. 6 8월의 한반도와 그 주변의 지상기압장의 기압편차가 정편차, 전국적인 한발이 나타난 7월은 부편차역에 속하여 대조를 이룬다. 1994년 하계에 한반도를 통과한 온대저기압은 그 통과 빈도가 낮을 뿐만 아니라 한반도로부터 남편, 혹은 북편되어 통과하여서 온대저기합성 강수의 출현빈도가 낮음을 알 수 있다. 6월의 한발시 500hPa면의 trough의 중심이 평년보다 동편되어 한반도는 이 trough의 서쪽에 위치하고 7 8월은 한반도와 그 주변이 ridge에 속한다. 따라서 한반도와 그 주변의 500hPa면 고도편차는 정편차를 나타내며 이때 동서지수는 높아서 평년에 비해 동서류가 강할 때 한발이 출현함을 밝혔다.

The Korean Peninsula is located on the east coast of monsoon Asia of the midlatitude, where the Pacific polar front moves. As a result variations of spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation occur. A great variation of precipitation during the summer months created frequent droughts and floods. The purpose of this study is to identify distributional characteristics and to analyze synopic characteristics of summer droughts in Korea. The research methods used are ; (1) to identify droughts based on the anomaly of monthly precipitation during summer of 1994. (2) to analyze correlations between drought and weather systems by using the calender of rain days. (3) to compare a synoptic mechanism of summer droughts with that of typical normal summer. The characteristics of summer droughts of 1994 may be summarized as follows ; 1) While most regions were affected by the droughts some regions displayed specific characteristics. The southern part of the Korean Peninsula was severely affected during the month of June. August droughts severely affected east part of the Sobek Mountains, thus showing that the droughts of June and August are highly localized. 2) In the pressure anomaly of surface field. the positive anomaly appears in June around Korean Peninsula, but in July when all parts of the South Korea were under severe droughts, the anomaly changes and becomes negative. 3) Extracyclones occurred less frequently in the summer of 1994. Those that did occur were located in areas far off the Korean Peninsula having little consequences on the drought patterns. 4) The trough of westerly wave at 500hPa height patterns in June is located far from the eastern sea of Korean Peninsula, but in July and August Korean Peninsula belongs to ridge of westerly wave. 5) In June the positive height anomaly at 500hPa surface appears zonally from Siberia to the western Parts of North Pacific Ocean, and in July and August, the strong positive anomaly appears around Korean Peninsula. As a result the zonal index of westerlies at during each month of summer in Korean sector has a large value, which in turn implies that drought will prevails when zonal flow is strong.
