Patty Acid Intakes and Plasma Lipid Concentrations of Lactating Women and Breasts fed Infants in Kwangju

일부 광주지역 수유부와 모유영양아의 지방산 섭취 실태 및 혈장 지질 농도

  • 이정아 (전남대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 허영란 (전남대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이종임 (전남대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김희아 (전남대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 임현숙 (전남대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1996.03.01


This study was undertaken to determine talc fatty acid intakes of lactating women and breast fed infants. Food consumptions of lactating women were measured at 3 4nd 9 days find 4, 8 and 12 weeks postpartum, respectively and diet samples were collected at the same time. Breast milk and blood samples were collected at 12 weeks postpartum. Fatty acid profiles of diet and breast milk were analyzed with GC. Total fatty acid intakes, fat percentage of energy, P/M/S and n-6/n-3 ratios of lactating women were 50.7 g/d, 20.9$\%$, 0.6/0.9/1 and 4.0/l, respect timely, over the first 12 weeks of postpartum and were not significantly different according to the lactating stages. Total fatty acid intakes and fat percentage of energy of the infects aged 12 weeks through the breast milk alone were 18.9 g/d and 44.8. This study shows that the linoleic acid percentage of energy intake in infants was 6.7$\%$, which was in optimum and/or high level to generally recommended guideline. DHA intakes of lactating women were positively correlated with those of infants from breast mil.
