The Educational Program of Family Time Use: Development of the Computer Software Program for the Expert in the area of Family Resource Management

가족생활시간 교육프로그램에 관한연구 -가정경영 전문인교육을 위한 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 프로그램의 개발-

  • 김순미 (충남대학교 소비자·가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1996.12.01


To give additional assistance in education for family time use and time management a computer program based on the time-related theories was developed. For this purpose the study consisted of three main stages. First various theories of family time use time management strategies and household work time were investigated and the assumptions were suggested. Second the module for predicting family time use was designed and the program using the module was developed. Third to evaluate the program's benefits the program was used at introductory class of undergraduate course. As the results the sophisticated software program could be used as an educational instrument to help not only students but also individual and family member to become knowledgeable about managers of family time resource. furthermore this program could be useful for the educators and counselors to help individuals and households with time use problems.



  1. 이화여자대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 인적자본으로 본 자녀에 대한 투자행동 김성희
  2. 가정관리학 김외숙;이기영;최은숙
  3. 가족자원관리 김외숙;이기영;최은숙
  4. 가정생산:가사노동의 생산성과 평가를 위한 접근 문숙재
  5. 생활시간연구 문숙재
  6. 가사노동의 사회학;The Socialogy of Housework 문숙재(역);Ann Oakley(저)
  7. 대한가정학회지 v.31 no.1 소비자학 분야의 대학교과과정개발에 관한 연구 여정성;이기춘
  8. 제46차 대한가정학회 추계학술대회 자료 가정관리·소비자학 전공자의 취업전망과 과제;가정학 전공자의 취업전망과 과제 윤정혜(외);윤정숙(편)
  9. 한국가정관리학회지 v.11 no.2 가정관리학과 교과모형 개발연구 이기영(외)
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  11. 37th Proceedings of the ACCI Research Opportubities in Expert Systems Development Burns, S.A.
  12. 37th Proceedings of the SCCI Challenges in Computer Program Development Bradshaw, E.
  13. The economic organization of the household Bryant, W.K.
  14. 35th Proceedings of the SCCI Computer-assisted Instruction:Teaching strategies for consumer education and personal finance software Delay, L.R.
  15. 37th Proceedings of the SCCI Reflections on Testing and Evaluation of Expert Systems Software DeVency, S.A.
  16. Southeastern Regional Association of Family Economics-Home Management, AHEA Should we use computer simulations to teach resourece allocation? DeVaney, S.A.
  17. Expert System:principle and Programming Giarratano, J.;Riley, G.
  18. The Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interests Comments on J.E. Russo Grunert, K.G.;E.S. Maynes(ed.)
  19. 6th Proceedings of the Association for FC & PE Risk versus return for risk averse investors: CREF versus TIAA Hanna, S.
  20. 7th Proceedings of the Association for FC & PE Optimal life cycle savings Hanna, S.
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  22. 36th Proceedings of the ACCI A prototype for expert systems software for retirement savings Hanna, S.
  23. 36th Proceedings of the ACCI Development of expert systems software for consumers Hanna, S.
  24. 37th Proceedings of the ACCI Overview of and expert systems laboratory Hanna, S.
  25. Unoublished data Life cycle saving Hanna, S.;Burns, S.;Debaney, S.a.;Bradeshaw, E.
  26. Unpublised data Credit use Hanna, S.;Chang, Y.R.;Fan, X.J.
  27. Unpublished data Family Time Use Hanna, S.;DeVaney, S.;Martin, A.D.
  28. Designing Expert Systems: A Guide to Selecting Implementation Techniques Kline, P.J.;Dolins, S.B.
  29. working paper A computer program for family time use Martin, A.D.;DeVaney, S.a.
  30. The Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interests Overlooked Mechanisms for Conveying Information to Consumers Mazzis, M.B.;E.S. Maynes(ed.)
  31. The Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interests An Electronic Future Mitchell, J.;E. S. Maynes(ed.)
  32. Journal of the Family Economics and Resource Management v.1 Invest in Youth: Using A Family Time Use Computer for Insight into Parent;s Time With Children Oleson, B.;Bradshaw, E.;Hanna, S.
  33. The Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interests Information Processing from the Consumer's Perspective Russo, J.E.;E.S. Maynes(ed.)
  34. The Frontier of Research in the Consumer Interests New Technologies in Consumer Information Talarzyck, W.;E.S. Maynes(ed.)