Overload control of SCP in intelligne netowrk with fairness and priority

지능망 구조에서 공정성과 우선순위를 보장하는 과부하 제어 연구

  • 이용 (연세대학교 컴퓨터과학과 정보통신연구실) ;
  • 송주석 (연세대학교 컴퓨터과학과 정보통신연구실)
  • Published : 1996.12.01


This paper proposed two mechanisms of fixed method and new arrival method. They are all interactive meachanisms in that a SCP and the SSPs exchange load information for overload control. These mechanisms using simple algorithm based on the standard ACG, apply differenct call gapping time on each SSP under the fairness scheme when they allocates SCP capacity to competing demends. Also in the mechanisms, priority scheme is implemented. Two mechanisms show the almost same results on the call throughput. Fairness about the probability of rejection is maintained same value on all SSPs. On Priority scheme, new arrival method has better achievement than fixed method.
