- Trans. INA v.66 The drift of ships caused by rolling among waves Suyehiro,K.
- Jour. Ship. Res. v.4 no.3 The drift of a body floating in waves Maruo,H.
- Jour. Ship Res. v.11 no.1 The drift force and moment on ships in waves Newman,J.N.
- Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. Num. Ship Hydrodynamics Computation of the first and second order wave forecs in oscillating bodies in regular waves Pinkster,J.A.;van Oortmerssen,G.
- Raport No. 8422, Laboratoired'Hydroddynamique Navale Discretisation du contour d'une tranche de navire en vue de la resolution numerique du probleme de la radiation diffraction Hong,D.C.
- Jour. SNA of Korea v.24 no.1 On the Improved Green Integral Equation applied to the Water-Wave Radiation-Diffraction Problem Hong,D.C.
- Norwagian Maritime Res. v.5 Wave induced mean force on platform in direction opposite to wave propagation Huse,E.
- Bulletin de I'ATMA v.75 Flotteurs cylindriques horizontaux soumis a des oscillations forcees de tres faibles amplitudes Guevel,P.;Kobus,J.M.
- Bulletin de I'ATMA v.81 Considerations sur le fonctionnement des houlomoteur du type oscillant Guevel,P.;Hong,D.C.;Marti,J.;et Delhommeau,G.